Barzinji Institute For Global Virtual Learning
Oct. 2 & 3, 2023
General Information
Shenandoah University’s Barzinji Institute for Global Virtual Learning will hold its fall conference on Monday, Oct. 2, and Tuesday, Oct. 3, from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. in the Brandt Student Center, Ferrari Room, on SU’s main campus in Winchester, Virginia.
The conference will highlight the institute’s various initiatives such as Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), its Global Zero Hunger Service Project and Pilgrimage Virtual Reality. Partners from around the world – from the United Kingdom to Malaysia – will present on their collaborative projects with Shenandoah faculty, staff and students. Keynote and plenary speakers will share insights and ideas regarding innovation in higher education and the future of global virtual learning. Breakfast and lunch will be covered for conference participants.
We invite you to attend this unique program on the campus of Shenandoah University to learn more about the exciting, expanding, and evolving role of global virtual learning. In particular, we invite:
Faculty who are interested in globalizing their classrooms through COIL, virtual exchange and virtual reality.
Senior International Officers (SIOs) and directors of international education who seek to incorporate COIL and virtual exchange into their offerings as well as hybrid global learning.
Higher Education Leaders who are interested in the future of education, international partnerships and strategic initiatives.
*For those specifically interested in COIL, we recommend attending Monday sessions as they specifically discuss its benefits in relation to students, faculty and research.
Please email conference coordinator Alanna Ropchock Tierno at and Barzinji Institute Director Younus Mirza at if you have any questions or would like more information.

Important Links
Register for the conference.
View the schedule.
Learn more about conference speakers.
Book a hotel room.