Shenandoah University is pleased to announce the continued success of its Pharmacogenomics and Music Production and Recording Technology (MPRT) programs, which have been renewed as Apple Distinguished Programs for 2012-13. These programs are among 42 nationwide that have been recognized for their success in enhancing and extending teaching and learning with thoughtful and innovative implementations of technology.
The Apple Distinguished Program designation is reserved for programs recognized as centers of educational excellence and leadership. “We are taking the necessary steps to provide Shenandoah University students with the latest technology available in order to give them an advantage when they begin their careers,” said Senior Vice President and Vice President of Academic Affairs Bryon Grigsby.
“Our continued relationship with Apple and their recognition of both of these programs showcases Shenandoah at the forefront of providing premium programs for our students. We are determined to instill in them the skills they will need to be successful in the 21st Century.” Through Shenandoah’s iMLearning program, students and faculty use MacBook Pros and their choice of mobile device (iPod touch, iPad or iPhone) in their daily work.
Within the Pharmacogenomics program, students can quickly use their devices to research drug characteristics to determine how a medication may impact the quality of their patients’ lives. Faculty record and post lectures on iTunesU so students may access classroom material easily and seamlessly.
MPRT students can record their private music lessons and listen to their performances while walking to class. They collaborate on projects by sharing ideas and doing research in the classroom through their mobile devices. Since students have their devices with them, instructors are able to guide students through various tasks in class using software such as Logic, GarageBand, Pro Tools, Cubase and Nuendo, without arranging time in a computer lab.