Several Shenandoah University School of Education & Human Development (SEHD) faculty members distinguished themselves this spring through co-editing an education journal and sharing research on computer -based writing as well as adult learning and parent engagement.
Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction Karrin Lukacs, Ph.D., served as one of the co-editors of the Teacher Educators’ Journal, Sp2016, Vol. 9. The focus of this volume and edition is what works in teacher education. The contributors to this volume and edition provide insight into their work including perspectives on valuing the craft of teacher education, pedagogical content knowledge in reading and writing, students with emotional disabilities, inclusion, and very sensitive issues related to the achievement gap and addressing biases in early childhood education.
An article by Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction Diane Painter, Ph.D., “The Computer-based Writing Program: A Clinical Teaching Experience for Education Interns to Develop Professional Knowledge and Skills in Effective Instructional Writing Practices,: is one of the featured articles in this journal. The article addresses SEHD’s four-week summer Computer-based Writing (CBW) Program that gave teaching interns in the MSE-Special Education program opportunities to work with young struggling writers in a supervised clinical setting. Keyboarding skills, writing conventions and knowledge and application of the writing process were addressed. The CBW program was sponsored in part by Claude Moore Foundation Literacy grants in summers 2012, 2013 and 2014.
Dr. Lukacs and co-author Tami Augustine (The Ohio State University) published the iTunes U course “Working With Students in Poverty: Awareness Activities for Pre- and In-Service Teachers.” This course provides subscribers with 30 days of professional development activities designed to increase teachers’ understanding of poverty and how it affects students. The course can be downloaded for free at
In more SEHD news, Associate Professor and Chair of Leadership Studies Catherine Shiffman, Ph.D., in April presented “Adult learning and parent engagement in the era of college and career readiness” at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Washington, D.C.