This trip, by far, has been the most interesting one I’ve ever been on. I’ve met some pretty cool people, eaten some delicious foods, and explored a world much different from my own. While on this trip, I took into account the discussions we had at each meeting for GCP. We discussed body language, interaction, the difference of cultures, in-group/out-group, and much more. I paid a lot of attention to in-groups and out-groups in Bolivia, as well as my own group. I watched as the similar people bonded together and never separated, while making it difficult for the out-group to join the in-group. I absorbed the culture, knowing that this isn’t just a vacation out of the country. It’s a new experience; it’s a new ride; it’s a new world. At times during this adventure, I lost site of why I was there. I lost sight of my purpose. As well as having fun, I was there to learn, share, and explore. The things I’ve seen in Bolivia are things I’ll never forget. I went to a foreign country for the first time with a group of strangers. Two days into the trip, we were good friends. Four days in, we were great friends. For the Bolivia group, however, the adventure isn’t over. Because of the snow in D.C., we’re still in Miami with a confirmed flight to DFW (Dallas/Fort Worth) Airport, then to Dulles. Yes, it’s inconvenient, but it’s better than being in a foreign country and being shuffled around like this. As we sit in Miami International Airport, we continue to think of the things we take for granted, such as clean water, soap, and toilet paper in the bathroom. We remain ever thankful and hope for a change for the better in Bolivia. With all of the beautiful pictures taken and experiences gained, this will make for a wonderful iMovie!
Home ยป Bolivian Days, Bolivian Nights: The Recap Through My Eyes