View where Shenandoah students have traveled and studied abroad in the past!
GCP 2019 Destinations
New Zealand
GEL 2019 Destinations
Austria | Cantus singers
Belize | Physical Therapy
Brazil | Nursing
Cuba | Nursing & Business
Czech Republic | Conservatory
England | Conservatory
Germany, Italy, Switzerland, & France | All majors
Germany & Austria | All majors
Ghana | Athletic Training, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, & Physician Assistant Studies
Ghana | Pre-Health
Greece | Arts management
Guatemala | Physical Therapy
Haiti | Occupational Therapy & Physical Therapy
Ireland | Education
Ireland | Athletic Training
Romania | Business
Senegal | All majors
South Korea | Esports
Spain | Business
Switzerland | Graduate health professions
Study Abroad 2019 Destinations
University of Vigo, Spain | Allie Schey, Exercise Science, ’21
University of Malaga, Spain | Jalinne Sanchez, Public Health ’20
University of Dortmund, Germany | Carl Bayliss, History ’20
Audencia Business School, France | Janay McMillan, Business Entrepreneurship ’20
University of Winchester, England | Madeleine Rodman, Exercise Science ’21
University of Winchester, England | Isabella Morello, Public Health ’21
University of Winchester, England | Ansleigh White, Biology ’20
University of Winchester, England | Cassandra Rathie, Acting ’21
University of Winchester, England | Erica Mohn, Sociology ’21
University of Winchester, England | Nicolas Bennett, Psychology ’21
Trinity Laban Conservatoire, England | Teddy Froelich, Music performance ’20
Trinity Laban Conservatoire, England | Jeremy Chontow, Composition ’20
Short-Term Travel Abroad
France, Audencia January Business Exchange | Christopher Seymour, Business Administration ’19
France, Audencia January Business Exchange | Maggie Simmons, Health Care Management ’19
France, Audencia Summer Business Exchange | Julia Baum, Business Administration ’21
Student Reflections on Abroad Experiences in 2019
GEL South Korea
GEL Cuba
Business and nursing students traveled to Havana, Cuba to explore entrepreneurship and healthcare.
GCP 2019
Students, faculty, and staff travel to Greece, Mozambique, New Zealand, Thailand, Greece, and Cuba over spring break!
GCP 2018 Destinations
GEL 2018 Destinations
Belgium, France, & Spain | All Majors
Belize | Physical Therapy
Croatia | World Saxophone Congress
Cuba | Spanish
England | Theatre
Finland | Education
France | Faith Seeking Justice Christian Leadership Program
Greece | Performing Arts Leadership & Management
Guatemala | Music Therapy
Haiti | Physical Therapy
Kenya | Physical Therapy
Morocco | Occupational Therapy
Rwanda & Uganda | Public Health, Education, & Health Professions
South Korea | Sport Management, Business, & Mass Communication to the Olympics
Switzerland | Nursing & Health Professions
Study Abroad 2018 Destinations
Abo Akademi University, Finland | Melanie Faliskie, Elementary Education ’21
Short-Term Travel Abroad
France, Audencia January Business Exchange | Denis Velasquez, MBA ’18
France, Audencia January Business Exchange | Andrew McDermott, Health Care Management ’18
Haiti | Women’s Soccer Team & Women’s Lacrosse Team
Student Reflections on Abroad Experiences in 2018
Uyen Tran | Doctor of Physical Therapy, ’20
“Today, my GCP group and I visited a university class in Spain that was learning the English language. It was so easy to connect with these students no matter our backgrounds, ages, and beliefs. I had such a great time learning about these students and connecting to them on a level that I have never thought I could with someone in a different country. I felt like I was able to open myself up to these students and express myself in so many different was through my conversations with them. To be able to do that in a foreign country is a privilege to me and I can’t express how much I love my experience in Spain!”
Colleen Preuninger | Youth Theology Institute Director
“Today we took a 6.5 hour, 14 mile bike tour (I almost died, but didn’t), and a tango lesson. Our GCP group learned what it means to encourage one another when we’re at our limit—and how to work as a team. I am sunburned and tired, and grateful for the day in Uruguay!”
Kit Gould | Sport Management ’18
“I think the coolest thing I’ve seen so far has to be the training for the Biathlon and all the athletes. I couldn’t tell you who they are, but just seeing all of them in action is pretty exciting. Normally I’m at home watching the Olympics on the television but to actually be here in person is so different and thrilling. Once in a lifetime,” “Thrilling,” “Humbling,” “Unforgettable,” “Exhilarating.”
See More of the 2018 Olympics Trip
Sarah Macias ’19 | Biology Major with a Chemistry Minor
“I had the wonderful opportunity to participate in GCP. My group was on the Rwanda trip and it was life changing. We learned how a completely culture lived and even experienced it for ourselves. It was truly amazing to see a beautiful part of Africa in both the people and the scenery.”
GCP 2017 Destinations
Puerto Rico
South Africa
GEL 2017 Destinations
Belize | Nursing & Public Health
Brazil | Nursing
England | Theatre
Greece | Dance & Arts Management
Haiti | Nursing, Graduate Health Professions, & Physical Therapy
Japan | Music Therapy
New Zealand | Sport Management
Nicaragua | Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, & Physician Assistant Studies
Scotland | All Majors
Spain | International Business
Switzerland | Graduate Health Professions
Study Abroad 2017 Destinations
England, University of Winchester | Maddie Albornoz, Public Health ’18
England, University of Winchester | Damon Mackin, Mass Communications ’18
England, University of Winchester | Madsen Thomas, Elementary Education
England, University of Winchester | Kourtney Neal
England, University of Winchester | Julianna Smith
Short-Term Travel Abroad
Argentina | Symphony Orchestra
Canada | Jazz Ensemble
France, Audencia January Business Exchange | Brooke Bukowski, Business Administration
France, Audencia January Business Exchange | Barry Robinson, MBA
France, Audencia January Business Exchange | Marie Campbell
France, Audencia January Business Exchange | Alexa Lazaro-Lopez
France, Audencia January Business Exchange | Alexandra Galati, Business Administration
France, Audencia January Business Exchange | Rebecca Coates, MBA
France, Audencia January Business Exchange | Annabelle Garcia , MBA
Guatemala | Physical Therapy, SUPT Thrive
Haiti | Women’s Soccer Team
Jamaica Field Service Project | Melodie Madison, Music Therapy
Rwanda, Hope Shines | Vanessa Schuster, Physical Therapy
Rwanda, Hope Shines | Morgan Payne, Biology & Public Health, ’19
Clinical Rotations
Kenya Medical Training College | Katelyn Scheulen, Physical Therapy ’18
Student Reflections on Abroad Experiences in 2017
Maddie Albornoz | Public Health ’18
“My experience is absolutely incredible. I have made really incredible friends, like friends that I’m closer to than people I’ve known since elementary school. I’m so thankful I came alone from SU it really forced me to branch out and stretch my comfort zone a bit. I’m actually going to Paris this weekend with a group of 13 Americans for my birthday! Class has been interesting. I still haven’t had my first assignment graded, which is so strange. I’m still unclear what the lecturers expectations are, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out eventually. I participate a lot because my professors really value that American perspective. More than anything this experience is showing me a lot about myself and who I am as a person, without the external pressure of expectations that have been set on me ever since I got to university. I’m excited to meet up with some of the girls traveling here next semester and really preparing them for the experience!”
Belize GEL Team | Nursing & Public Health Students
Kenya Clinical Rotations | Physical Therapy
Jamaica Field Service Project | Melodie Madison, Music Therapy
“An enriching experience made both possible by both the students and the staff we worked with. We embraced both responsibilities and opportunities to develop as individuals, with the supervision of the staff. I have made a great number of friends who share an equal passion for serving and caring for others. Also, the experience enhanced my belief of music therapy’s beauty and its impact on people, despite where one comes from. The trip was very rich in digging deeper our understanding of the cultural and philosophical aspects of Jamaica’s roots and music.”
GCP 2016 Destinations
Dominican Republic
GEL 2016 Destinations
Austria | Vocal Performance
Brazil | International Business & Entrepreneurship
England | Theatre
Fiji | Psychology
France | Sport Management
Germany | Sport Management
Ghana | Women’s Studies
Guatemala | Music Therapy
Poland | Special Education
Spain | MBA & International Business
Switzerland | Nursing & Sport Management
Study Abroad 2016 Destinations
Canada, University of Regina | Melissa Allanson, Psychology & Pre-OT
England, University of Winchester | Alexus Mateo, Dance
England, University of Winchester | Chynna Beckett, Psychology
France, Audencia | Anna Lopynski, Business
Ireland, University of Ulster – Coleraine | Heather Shannon, Business, ’17
Ireland, University of Ulster – Coleraine | Madison Hess, Exercise Science
Italy, University of Sacred Heart | Kevin Kokolis, Business Administration
Netherlands, Leiden University | Bri Taylor, Sociology
South Korea, EWHA Womans University | Symone Perkins, Chemistry
Sweden, Lulea Univeristy | Megan Doran
Short-Term Travel Abroad
France | Audencia January Business Exchange
Honduras | Students Helping Honduras
Guatemala | Physical Therapy, SUPT Thrive
Rwanda, Hope Shines | Hannah Carlson, Music Therapy ’19
Faculty Research Abroad 2016 Destinations
Botswana | Liz England, Professor of TESOL
Senegal | Kevin Minister, Professor of Religion
Student Reflections on Abroad Experiences in 2016
Amanda Kicker | Biology & Secondary Education, ’18
“GEL Poland was the best experience of my life! The trip’s focus was on learning about about how special education services are delivered in Poland now that the country has signed on to the U.N.’s Convention on the Rights for Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Dr. Painter made sure that each of the attendees learned something about their specific field whether it be nursing or history related,” Kicker said. I recently changed my major and this trip made me sure of my decision to study education. Not only did we travel to three different schools working towards inclusion, but we traveled to Krakow to Auschwitz and Birkenau concentration camps. The history in a book or in a movie is nothing compared to walking where those prisoners walked.”
Lora-Maria Koytcheva | Psychology, ’19
“My most memorable part of the GEL trip to Fiji titled “Fiji: The Happiest Place on Earth?” was the moment I learned why the people were so happy. I spoke with various families, and people throughout Fiji, and they all equally expressed their love for their country. Studying their answers, I discovered that it is because these people are content with their lives and what they have. Being there really showed me that these people are happy with what they have, are surrounded by family, and are very close with their religion. They are not so much worried about competing with others. Especially in the villages, families wake up every day smiling and surrounded by love – you can really feel the happiness in the atmosphere wherever you are in Fiji! They go about their daily tasks, but they do it on Fiji time – so it will get done whenever it gets done! No rush, no deadlines to meet… no stress.”
Judith Pascarella | Physician Assistant Studies, ’17
“GEL Switzerland represented a course change for me in my life and career, and I found attending the World Health Assembly (WHA) 69 particularly humbling. I learned a great deal about how global health leaders interact and the processes that govern change. I had so many meaningful experiences in this trip that allowed me to not only network with global health leaders, but also those individuals on the forefront who are making the changes discussed at the highest levels on the international stage. At the conclusion of the trip, the strongest take-away for me was that education, preventative health, secure systems, government support, and funding are the keys to success in global health initiatives. It is essential to be proactive rather than reactive. As the message spreads, the hope is that public health will become a natural part of daily governance rather than an afterthought. It felt like a lot of progress was made this year, and it was an unforgettable honor to be invited to attend history in the making.”
Hannah Carlson | Music Therapy, ’19
“This is my first year working with the program and traveling to Africa, and I’m the youngest volunteer at 18. I love working with children and bringing music into their lives. I was extremely nervous to meet all the kids, especially because the language barrier makes it difficult to learn names and make bonds- but as they arrived we put on music and danced with them, and I could already tell that we would have a good time this week.”
GCP 2015
The Philippines
GEL 2015
Argentina | Spanish
Belize | Nursing & Public Health
Brazil | International Business & Entrepreneurship
England | Theatre
Nicaragua | Occupational Therapy
Poland | Special Education
Spain | MBA & International Business
Switzerland | Nursing
Study Abroad 2015 Destinations
Germany, Justus Liebig | Lacy Woods, Psychology, ’17
Japan, Hiosaki Gakuin | Brooke Hahne, English
England, University of Winchester | Peyton Krevonick, Business
England, University of Winchester | Caitlyn Friday, Exercise Science
England, Trinity Laban Conservatoire | Kirstie Mosher, Vocal Performance
France, Audencia | Rachel Stalker, Business
Ireland, University of Ulster – Jordanstown | Rebecca Poandl, Biology/Kinesiology
Ireland, University of Ulster – Jordanstown | Tori Delaney, Kinesiology
Italy, Hendrix Arts Academy | Hayley Lundblad, Psychology
Italy, Sacred Heart Milan | Cody Wiley, Mass Communications
Italy, Sacro Cuore | Paula Soto-Hernan, Psychology
Short-Term Travel Abroad
Brazil | Nursing Medical Missions Boat down the Amazon River
France | Audencia January Business Exchange
Grenadines | Physical Therapy World Pediatrics Project
Guatemala | Physical Therapy
Haiti | Occupational Therapy & Physical Therapy
Italy | Music Performance Abroad Tour
Nicaragua | Occupational Therapy
Rwanda | Hope Shines
St. Vincent | Physical Therapy
Sweden, Balettakademien Gothenburg | Kelsee Sweigard, Musical Theatre, ’16
Sweden, Balettakademien Gothenburg | Patrick Rose, Musical Theatre, ’16
GCP 2014
Costa Rica
South Korea
GEL 2014
Austria | Music Therapy
Argentina | Spanish
England | Theatre
France | MBA & International Business
Poland | Special Education
Study Abroad 2014 Destinations
Argentina, Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano | Alex Crouse, Spanish
Austria | Kristin Humphries, Piano Performance
England, University of Winchester | Adam Stringfellow, Criminal Justice
England, University of East London | Kaitlyn Lohsen, Music Therapy
France, Audencia | Spencer King, Arts Management
Ireland, University of Ulster – Jordanstown | Amber Lake, Exercise Science
Ireland, University of Ulster – Jordanstown | Bailey Rankin, Exercise Science
Ireland, Stranmillis University | Theresa Heim, Education Student Teaching
Canada, Brock University | Sydney Bennett, Instrumental Performance
Norway, University of Norland | Victoria Thomas, Environmental Studies
South Korea, Dankook University | Kaliegh Winters, Biology, ’17
South Korea, Dankook University | Elizabeth Britton, Music Education, ’13
Short-Term Travel Abroad
Bahamas | Spiritual Life Missions Trip
France | Spiritual Life Mission Trip
Ghana | Kyle Feldman, Work the World
Grenadines | Physical Therapy World Pediatrics Project
Haiti | Health Professions Service Trip with President Fitzsimmons
Haiti | Community Coalition for Haiti
Honduras | Students Helping Honduras
Nicaragua | Physician Assistant, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy mission trip
Peru/Trujillo | Physician Assistant Rotation at Clinica Madre de Cristo
Rwanda | Hope Shines
Scotland | Spiritual Life Mission Trip
Spain | Orchestral Performance Abroad Tour
St. Vincent | Physical Therapy World Pediatrics Project
Student Reflections on Abroad Experiences in 2014
Celebrating 10 years of GCP
Michael Mendillo | Music Performance, ‘13 & Performing Arts Leadership & Management, ‘15
“I had the amazing opportunity to travel to South Korea with the Global Citizenship Project. This experience gave me amazing insight to a new culture and a passion for travel and how important it is to developing global citizens.”
Theresa Heim | Education, ‘14
“I am currently student teaching in Belfast, Ireland. I will have completed my Elementary Education degree through Shenandoah in December of this year. Here in Ireland, I am being hosted by Stranmillis University, who has partnered up with UVA and Shenandoah for their first ever student teaching abroad experience! I am here for seven weeks with one other Shenandoah student, Maegan Elmendorf, and 6 UVA students. I am student teaching Pre-K at a Preparatory School, which is one of the top schools in Belfast. It is much like a private school would be for us back in the States. All students of Northern Ireland wear uniforms, no matter the school, and they look so dashing and put together! There is a strong focus in my school on learning through play in my classroom, which I am not used to back in America. It’s great! Random fact: It’s so funny to be told that I have a great accent. Haha! I have been blown away by the amount of friendly people here in Ireland. Everyone is curious as to why we are here and how they can help us during our stay. Even the Irish University students have been incredibly welcoming and invite us often to partake in the University’s various events. Our student teaching program has been set up to allow for my group to travel often. It is fantastic! From the 8th Wonder of the World, to hiking 1,200 feet above sea level, to Irish History and relics, we have been totally immersed in Ireland! We are always on the go, with new, historical, and invigorating sights to see. We really haven’t had a dull moment since our arrival. I think the weather has been the hardest thing to adapt to. It hasn’t rained as much as people might think it would and we have been very lucky to have some gorgeous sunny days. Northern Ireland has seemed to have skipped our American fall season altogether though and jumped straight into end of November weather. Highs are in the 50’s now, with the weather dropping to a forecast of mid-high 30’s this weekend! Yikes!”
GCP 2013
GEL 2013
Austria | Music Therapy
Argentina | Spanish
Belize | Nursing & Public Health
England | Theatre
England | Business
France | MBA & International Business
Guatemala | Nursing
Ireland | Nursing
Peru | Outdoor Leadership & Education
Poland | Special Education
Russia | Mass Communications
Spain | International Business
Study Abroad 2013 Destinations
Argentina, Ifsa-Butler Mendoza University – Cuyo | Sarah Lahasky, Spanish
England, University of Chester | Marissa Volonino, Biology & Pre-Med
England, University of Winchester | KerriLyn Kircher, Dance
Germany, University of Hanover | Kaliegh Winters, Biology, ’17
Ireland, University of Ulster – Coleraine | Grace Goodpasture, Psychology
Ireland, University of Ulster – Jordanstown | Daniel Freshley, Business & Pre-Law
Mexico, Puebla UPAEP | Russel Baron, Biology & Pre-Med
Norway, University of Oslo | Meredith Wylegala,
Scotland, Napier University | Catherine Wagner, Acting
South Korea, University of Korea | Meghan Ballard, Biology
South Korea, EWHA Womans University | John Garner, Violin Performance
South Korea, EWHA Womans University | Sydney Bennett, Cello Performance
South Korea, Dankook University | Michael Camarillo, Music Therapy
Short-Term Travel Abroad
Australia | Shenandoah Lacrosse Team
Denmark, Danish Academy of Musical Theatre | Erin Long, Musical Theatre
Honduras | Students Helping Honduras
Ireland | Jazz Performance Abroad Trip
Jamaica, Jamaica Field Service | Allison Echart, Music Therapy
Kenya | Elizabeth Jensen Volunteering with Buckner International
Nicaragua | Physician Assistant, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy mission trip
Panama | Casa Providencia, Physical Therapy
Rwanda | Hope Shines
Sweden, Balettakademien Gothenburg | Holy Hale, Musical Theatre
Sweden, Balettakademien Gothenburg | Nigel Huckle, Musical Theatre
Uganda | Shenandoah Soccer Team
Student Reflections on Abroad Experiences in 2013
Sarah Wohld | Nursing, ‘15
“I traveled to Rwanda through the GCP program. In Rwanda we visited a school that I worked with in high school, so I finally got to meet all of the kids that I had been working with from 6,000 miles away for my entire high school experience. Both experiences were extremely humbling and have shaped me into the person I am today.”
Michael Camarillo | Music Therapy, ‘16
“This past summer I was able to spend two months in Korea. I can say that my time in Korea has been the best experience I have had. Being in a foreign country I had to be open-minded and be able to try new things. Korea’s unique history can be seen through temples, palaces, and elaborate museums. Technology and the modern fashion is something I could not avoid. Korea is very much up-to-date when it comes to technology and the latest fashion and trends. Of course I cannot end this without talking about the delicious food. There are many types of restaurants, so I never ran out of something to eat. I could go on for days talking about my time in Korea. I hope that everyone will think about going to Korea or any country abroad because it will open your mind to a totally new world. 감사합니다 (Kamsahamnida-Thank You).”
Allison Echard | Music Therapy, ‘14
“This past June, I spent 10 days in Portland Jamaica through the Jamaica Field Service Project. This program focuses on bringing the services of university students (music education, music therapy, or tutoring) to Jamaican schools, infirmaries, and homeless shelters. As a music therapy student, I had the opportunity to work all three settings with other music therapy students from across the world. Not only did I get to implement real music therapy sessions with real clients for an entire week, but I got to do it outside under almond, ackee, and coconut trees near a beach with the most appreciative people I have ever worked with. In addition to the specific field of work, I got to hike to a waterfall led by local Rastafarians, swim in the ocean (everyday!), learn to surf, have nightly Afro-Caribbean drum lessons, and eat jerk chicken where it originated in Boston Bay. This trip taught me so much about myself, music therapy, Jamaica, and the world that I can’t wait to go back, as well as explore what the rest of the world has to offer.”
Rusty Baron | Biology Pre-PA, ‘14
“After my previous study abroad experience in Argentina last summer I have finally found my true passion for my major; to become fluent in Spanish with regards to the medical field. For now I am content in pursuing the career of physician’s assistant or any related health profession in the medical field. This spring semester I plan to study medicine and Spanish at the UPAEP [Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla]. I look forward to learning not only the language but also the culture that will surround me for the five months that I will be there. I have decided to live with a host family instead of on campus because I believe it will be a better Spanish influence for me. I believe this experience will change me not only as a student but also as a person. Besides having the excitement of arriving in Mexico, I also have anxiety for leaving the country. I have come into realization that I will not have my family, friends, school, or my regular surroundings for the next five months. Though this may the case, I look forward to a new adventure everyday in Puebla, Mexico.”
Alisa Daum | Performing Arts Leadership & Management, ‘14
“What an amazing opportunity to break cultural stereotypes. We literally did not want to leave the students. In such a short amount of time we made friends and thanks to e-mail and social media, we’ll be able to keep in touch even after we get home. Who knows, maybe we’ll see them again – next time in the states! Food for thought: “I never thought that life across the street could be so different and yet so similar across the world.” GCP Nepal
GCP 2012
Trinidad & Tobago
GEL 2012
Argentina | Foreign Language
Belize | International Business
Cuba | Foreign Language
England | Theatre
Japan | Music Therapy
Israel | Health Profession
Spain | MBA & International Business
Tanzania | Nursing
Study Abroad 2012 Destinations
England, University of Sussex | Elizabeth Stoltz
France, Audencia | Caleb Forsythe, Technical Theatre Design & Production
Ireland, Queens University | Jessica Hardesty, Music Performance
Japan, Chukyo University | Haley Waggener, English
Morocco, Al Akhawayn University | Charles Pineno, Business
Russia, National Theatre Institute | Julia Hoffman, Acting
South Korea, Dankook University | Gina Fu, Chemistry, ’13 & Pharmacy, ’17
Spain, University of Sevilla | Valerie Bergeron
Short-Term Travel Abroad
Brazil | Nursing Medical Missions Boat down the Amazon River
China | Conservatory Abroad Trip
Ethiopia | Addia Abbaba Clinic, Kelley Wilson, Physical Therapy Rotations
Guatemala | Musical Mission Trip
Haiti | Physical Therapy Mission Trip
Honduras | Students Helping Honduras
Jamaica, Jamaica Field Service | Ivette Farciert-Viva, Music Therapy
Nicaragua | Physician Assistant, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy mission trip
Rwanda | Hope Shines
Switzerland | Future Business Leaders Forum
Germany | Steinway Initiative selects pianos in the factory
Student Reflections on Abroad Experiences in 2012
Julia Hoffman | Acting, ‘15
“Throwing myself into a completely new culture with no knowledge of the language or customs was the best thing I have ever done for my education. The acting program was demanding in itself…class six days a week, eight hours a day, performances in the evening and late night ensemble meetings. However, the opportunity to study at the Moscow Art Theater School is one I wouldn’t trade for anything. At the same time, adjusting to Russian life was thrilling every step of the way. Little pieces of Russian history are stuck throughout Moscow and unveiling them became one of my favorite aspects of the experience.”
Valerie Bergeron | Spanish & Education, ‘13
“Studying abroad in Sevilla, Spain was the best experience of my life! Sevilla is a beautiful, magical city! As a Spanish major there was no other place I wanted to be. By living there for the Spring semester I had the unique opportunity to participate in Sevilla’s world renowned Holy Week and April Fair. While there, I was able to focus on perfecting my language skills by living with a host family and integrating into the vibrant culture. The friends I made at my church became part of my family, and I look forward to returning for more adventures!”
Steinway Initiative Travel Hamburg, Germany
Representatives from Shenandoah University traveled to Hamburg, Germany as part of the Steinway Initiative. Shenandoah Conservatory Artist in Residence John O’Conor selected a new Hamburg Concert Grand Piano D for the Armstrong Concert Hall.
GCP 2011
GEL 2011
Belize | International Business
England | Business
England | Dance
Panama | Business
Spain | Dance
Taiwan | Occupational Therapy
Study Abroad 2011 Destinations
China, Chongqing CUAS | Julia Buhagiar, Vocal Performance
England, University of East Anglia | Dillon Deirdre, Acting
England, University of London Birkbeck | Jessie Goodman, Acting
England, University of London Birkbeck | Stephen Strosnyder, Acting
Ireland, Queens University | Elaina Laughlin, Music Performance
Netherlands, Conservatorium Van Amsterdam | Shanti Nachtergaele, Music Performance
South Korea, Dankook University | Tyler Dziubinski, Mass Communications
Spain, St. Louis University Madrid Campus | Emily May, Biology
Short-Term Travel Abroad
Brazil | Nursing Medical Missions Boat down the Amazon River
China | Mission Trip with President Fitzsimmons
El Salvador | Pharmacy Medical Mission Trip
France | Choir Performance Abroad Trip
Haiti | Mission Trip with President Fitzsimmons
Nicaragua | Physician Assistant Studies mission trip
Rwanda | Hope Shines
Student Reflections on Abroad Experiences in 2011
GCP Team Paraguay
GCP Team Sweden
GCP Team Bahamas
GCP Team Australia
GCP 2010
GEL 2010
Argentina | Foreign Language
England | Business
India | Business
Macedonia | Dance
Taiwan | Physician Assistant Studies
Thailand | Nursing
Study Abroad 2010 Destinations
Ireland, Queens University | Karen Bitzer, Music Performance
Italy, American University Rome | Thomas Graham, Music Production & Recording Technology
South Korea, Dankook University | Ali Zubin, Biology
Spain, St. Louis University Madrid Campus | Maya Jones, Music Performance
Short-Term Travel Abroad
Haiti | Mission Trip with President Fitzsimmons
Honduras | Students Helping Honduras
Mozambique | Spiritual Life Missions Trip
Nicaragua | Pharmacy & Physician Assistant Studies Mission Trip
Pacific Islands | Project Hope Pharmacy Missions Trip
Rwanda | Hope Shines
GCP 2009
GEL 2009
Argentina | Spanish
Australia | Business & Arts Management
China | Business
England | Business
Spain | Dance
Taiwan | Occupational Therapy
Study Abroad 2009 Destinations
Egypt, American University Cairo | Kim Moon, Music Performance
England, Goldsmiths University | Paige Herschelle, Acting
Jordan, University of Jordan – Amman | Jennifer Greer, Mathematics
Ireland, Butler University | Alyssa Goodson, Mass Communications
Ireland, Butler University | Abby Young, Music Performance
Morocco, Al Akhawayn University | Leigha Selby, Acting
Morocco, Al Akhawayn University | Brittany Avery, Acting
Morocco, Mohammed V. University | Lauren Pappas, Acting
Scotland, University of Glasgow | Jennifer Lear, Education
South Korea, Dankook University | Mary Cook
South Korea, Dankook University | Alex Long
Short-Term Travel Abroad
Australia | Choir Performance Abroad Trip
Australia | Jennifer Thompson, Physical Therapy Clinical Rotations
Australia | Stacey Walerko, Physical Therapy Clinical Rotations
Ecuador | Manna Project International, Rebekah Nickerson, Dance
Italy | Australia | Choir Performance Abroad Trip
Nicaragua | Physician Assistant, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy mission trip
Pacific Islands | Project Hope Pharmacy Missions Trip
Peru | Cross Cultural Solutions
Rwanda | Hope Shines
GCP 2008
Study Abroad 2008 Destinations
Egypt, American University Cairo | Meagan Rafferty, Acting
Ireland, University of Ulster | Jessica Bowers, Acting
Ireland, University of Ulster | Heather Gregg, Acting
Morocco, Mohammed V. University | Rose Livengood, Nursing
Short-Term Travel Abroad
Denmark | Orchestra Performance Abroad Trip
Nicaragua | Physician Assistant, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy mission trip
GCP 2007
GEL 2007
Argentina | Foreign Language
China | MBA
Ireland | Dance
Italy | Business
Spain | Dance
Thailand | Nursing
Short-Term Travel Abroad
France | Choir Performance Abroad Trip
Mexico | Health Care mission trip
Nicaragua | Physician Assistant, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy mission trip
GCP 2006
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
GEL 2006
Argentina | Foreign Language
Argentina | Business
China | MBA
England | Nursing & Graduate Health Professions
Ireland | Nursing & Graduate Health Professions
Poland | Special Education
GCP 2005
Costa Rica
GEL 2005
Argentina | Arts Management
China | Business
Mexico | Biology, Environmental Studies, Chemistry
Taiwan | Dance
Thailand | Nursing
Short-Term Travel Abroad
Bahamas | Spiritual Life Missions Trip
England | Children’s Literature, Harry Potter Trip
Mexico | Health Care mission trip
Student Reflections on Abroad Experiences in 2005
Looking Back at the first-ever GCP trip!