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Mock Trial Presentation

CAN Polka Dot Pot

Borden Student Associations Center, Brandt Student Center Room 123 703 UNIVERSITY DR., Winchester

Craft a one-of-kind mug with Campus Activities Network (CAN) in the Brandt Student Center, Room 123 (Borden Student Associations Center, aka B-SAC)! Supplies are limited! Questions? Contact CAN at can@su.edu.

Bear’s Den Hike and A Pint (Graduate Students, 21+)

Bear's Den 18393 Blue Ridge Mountain Road, Bluemont

Discover the ultimate outdoor adventure with a hike and a pint at Bear’s Den and Bear Chase Brewing Company on Friday, Aug. 30, at 6:30 p.m.! This exhilarating journey takes […]

Women’s Soccer vs Marymount

Glo Fiber Field at Shentel Stadium 1122 RALPH SHOCKEY DR., Winchester

Women's Soccer vs Marymount Winchester, VA