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Faculty Breakfast Workshop

All Day

Red Zone Campaign

Brandt Student Center

Stop by the Red Zone Campaign table anytime between Sept. 17-19 in the Brandt Student Center and learn about ways to prevent sexual assault. The Women’s Center (NJWC) peer mentors will have resources on hand for participants who stop by the table. For more information, contact the NJWC at thenjwc@su.edu.

National Voter Registration Day and Constitution Day

Main Campus 1460 University Drive, Winchester

Celebrate these two civic holidays by stopping by one of the Center for Civic Engagements (CCE) voter registration tables! CCE will also have free pocket constitutions for anyone who would […]

Bisexual Awareness Table

Brandt Student Center

The table will have information about what it means to be bisexual and resources for individuals that need support from their community. For more information, contact Dahlia Ashford at dashford@su.edu. 

Event Series Smith Library Tours

Smith Library Tours

Smith Library 718 WADE MILLER DR., Winchester

Get to know the library during a quick 30 minute tour! Library faculty and staff will lead groups around pointing out different collections of materials, study rooms, great places to […]

Event Series Smith Library Tours

Smith Library Tours

Smith Library 718 WADE MILLER DR., Winchester

Get to know the library during a quick 30 minute tour! Library faculty and staff will lead groups around pointing out different collections of materials, study rooms, great places to […]

Event Series Yoga with Amber

Yoga with Amber

Shingleton Gym, Shingleton Hall 707 UNIVERSITY DR., Winchester

Yoga with Amber meets weekly during the fall semester on Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. in Shingleton Gym. This class is open to all levels of skill, this gentle yoga class […]

Event Series The Q in Question

The Q in Question

Mosaic Center for Diversity, Brandt Student Center 703 University Drive, Winchester

Do you want to talk about topics like gender identity and expression? Queerness or pansexuality? Or being a supportive ally to another person? The Q in Question offers an opportunity to meet others who are interested in conversation about, and support for, those in the LGBTQ+ community. All are invited to gather at the Brandt […]