The Big Little University Rising
Only 20 seats are available for this trip to Washington, D.C., to explore the National Museum of African American History and Culture. Registration is required for this excursion sponsored by the Office of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity, as space is limited. Participants will arrive at the National Museum at approximately 9:45 a.m., explore the museum […]
Kick off Black History Month with Spiritual Life and Vice President for Student Affairs Yolanda Barbier Gibson, D.A., at Sunday Chapel. Dr. Gibson will share a reflection at this service, […]
Listen to and learn about music with African and African American roots on Mondays throughout February, courtesy of The Mosaic Center for Diversity. Learn about the origins of your favorite music while you listen! For more information, contact
Play trivia, bingo, and other games with the Mosaic Center for Diversity. Each game is packed with little-known facts about Black history. There will be prizes for the winners. For more information, contact