The Big Little University Rising
Apply Now For May 2024 Graduation Spring semester is just underway, but it’s already time to think about graduation in May. The application for May 2024 graduation is now available on Hornet Hub. All students who plan to graduate in May must submit an application by March 1. Log in to your student […]
Are you ready to share your research or creative work? The Shenandoah University Research Expo (SURE) is an annual event featuring students’ research and creative projects. Apply now for the chance to present your work to the SU community — and beyond — in a supportive and professional setting. For more information and the application […]
Travel back in time March 2-March 3, to hike and stay in a rustic cabin located in Shenandoah National Park. You will stay with other students in a 3-bedroom cabin with a sleeping loft. There are numerous hikes surrounding the cabin to explore! The cost covers meals, transportation, and the use of sleeping gear. Save […]
Drawing on elements that are ancient and emerging, diverse and unified, safe and challenging, artful and thoughtful, and playful and profound, this dynamic worshiping community of students, faculty, and staff gathers every Sunday in the chapel at 11:30 a.m. Doors open at 11 with free coffee, tea, and other breakfast-y treats for all who attend! […]
Desirée Dabney ’14 (Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting), head of musical theatre at Virginia Commonwealth University, leads students in a workshop that reinforces critical thinking and communication skills through African theatre activities. Students will be able to identify expressions physically and emotionally — creating their own “Nigerian Praise Poem” and presenting a final performance through […]
“She is the Narrative” gives voice to the voiceless through history and present times. Directed by Desirée Dabney ’14 (Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting), “She is the Narrative” explores historical events, personal experiences and finding your voice when you are voiceless due to the color of your skin. This exploration leads an audience to discover, […]
Join Nicole for yoga to start your week off right! Connect breath with movement to create balance in the body and mind. Postures are sequenced to help strengthen your muscles, […]
Join SU’s Catholic Campus Ministry for mass every Sunday (when classes are in session) at 6:45 p.m. in Goodson Chapel-Recital Hall. Confessions begin at 6:15 p.m. Everyone is welcome, whether you’re a practicing Catholic, returning member or someone who is curious to learn about mass. Following the service, the Catholic Campus Ministry will host a […]
Food Recovery Network is hosting a recovery at 6:30 p.m. in the Allen Dining Hall. Volunteers work together to package leftover food that will be served at the Winchester Rescue Mission for those in need. Please consider signing up for a recovery at this link to help fight hunger here in Winchester! Contact Joshua Brooks […]
Learn about personal budgeting with business banker and Shenandoah grad, Matthew Laird. Join in on Zoom to hear budgeting tips from Matt and his experience paying for college. For more […]
Listen to and learn about music with African and African American roots on Mondays throughout February, courtesy of The Mosaic Center for Diversity. Learn about the origins of your favorite music while you listen! For more information, contact
Join other Spanish speakers at Smith Library on Feb. 26, from 7-8 p.m. for a casual and fun hour of Spanish conversation. All levels of Spanish are welcome, from beginning learners to native speakers. Snacks, games, and conversation starter cards will be provided. This is a Beyond the Classroom event! For more information, please contact […]
The U.S. Secret Service will have an informational table featuring a representative discussing work-based learning and future career opportunities available to students. The representative will be available on Tuesday, Feb. 27 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Brandt Student Center to speak with interested Shenandoah University students. Questions? Contact
Career and Professional presents a seminar on life after college outlining helpful hints about goal setting, planning a budget for the future, and researching projected salaries and job openings for various fields. The seminar will be held in the Brandt Student Center, Room 123 on Feb. 27 at 2:30 p.m. Indicate your interest by midnight […]
Open to all levels of skill, this gentle yoga class gives a mindful, full-body workout while harmonizing breath and movement. Practice yoga postures while training the mind to enjoy the […]
Join the Book Club on Feb. 27 at 6 p.m. in Smith Library, room 225 for the monthly meet-up to discuss books with mental health themes. Chat with participants and make new friends while learning about mental health concerns along the way. This month the book club will discuss "Under the Whispering Door" by TJ […]
On Feb. 27, from 6:30-9:30 p.m., the Alamo will show American Fiction, sponsored by the English Department, Black Studies, Film Production, and College of Arts & Sciences. A panel discussion […]
The Virginia presidential primary is coming up on Tuesday, March 5. The deadline to request a Virginia absentee ballot to be mailed to you is Friday, Feb. 23, by 5 p.m., but you should apply for your ballot as soon as possible to allow time for processing. Complete and return your ballot to your local […]
Every Wednesday, Spiritual Life chaplains will visit a different residence hall on campus to visit with anyone who’s looking for someone to hang out with. Maybe they’ll do some baking. Maybe even some coloring. Maybe just play some board games. Every week will be something new! No agenda at all, just good vibes! This week, […]
Dance Party with Ella is the perfect combination of fitness and fun! Party your way through an hour of pump-up music with all the benefits of a total body workout. […]
Stop by the Brandt Student Center, room 118 from 7-9 p.m. on Feb. 29 to learn more about the body positivity movement and tell us why you love you. People are taught to notice our flaws and shame our bodies (and those of others). This self-hatred epidemic ignited the body positivity movement. Loving yourself means […]
Food Recovery Network is hosting a recovery at 7:30 p.m. on Thursdays this semester in Allen Dining Hall. Volunteers will work together to package leftover food that will be served at the Winchester Rescue Mission for those in need. Sign up for a recovery with this link to help fight hunger here in Winchester! Contact […]
Celebrate Black History Month with ShenCo Student Council in the Ferrari Room of the Brandt Student Center from 8-11 p.m. on Feb. 29! ShenCo Student Council invites all students in […]
Learn more about the challenges women have faced – and still face – as well as their accomplishments at this table, where you’ll discover not only more about the roles women have played throughout all areas of history but also the contributions they’re making to society today. For more information, contact Dahlia Ashford at
All students, faculty and staff are invited to attend “Joyfulness Journey,” an arts-infused, uplifting and non-religious biweekly service held from 12:05 p.m. to 12:25 p.m. on Fridays through the Spring 2024 semester in Goodson Chapel – Recital Hall. The series features a prelude and postlude with classical, jazz and musical theatre selections; a choral octet […]
On March 1 from 3-6 p.m. in the lobby of the Ohrstrom-Bryant Theatre, ShenCo Student Council is hosting its first-ever Wellness Fair! There will be mindfulness exercises and extremely special guest speakers, in addition to tables from a plethora of resources across campus! Yoga and meditation will be held at 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., […]
Tired from school? Stressed about midterms? Campus Activities Network (CAN) has you covered! Join CAN to snuggle with cute animals that will take your stress away. For more information, contact […]
Cheer on our Women's Basketball team at 4:30 p.m. in the Brandt Student Center as they compete in the NCAA Women's Basketball Tournament. For more information, contact Campus Activities Network […]
Looking to start, work on, finish, or submit work for Avalon? The Avalon editing team and the Writers' Club are teaming up on March 1 at 6 p.m. in the Brandt Student Center, room 118 to help you with just that. Grab some coffee, a donut, and join us as a writer, composer, or artist. […]
Project Write, Inc., Film Studies, and SCiL invite students to a one-day workshop exploring the film industry on Saturday, March 2. Writer, actor, and director Blayne Weaver (Santa Girl, Cupid for Christmas, and Miss Valentine) will speak about turning challenges into creative drivers at 9 a.m. in Pruitt Health & Life Sciences Building, room 120. […]
Women's Lacrosse vs. Christopher Newport on Saturday, March 2 at 1 p.m. at Aikens Stadium.
Men's Lacrosse vs. Susquehanna University at Glo Fiber Field at Shentel Stadium at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 2.
Women's Tennis vs. Hollins on Saturday, March 2 at 2 p.m. at the Lowry Tennis Courts.
Softball vs. Southern Virginia on Saturday, March 2 at 2 p.m. at Rotary Field.
Softball vs. Southern Virginia on Saturday, March 2 at 4 p.m. at Rotary Field.
Want a place to relax as you study? Stop by the Ferrari Room in the Brandt Student Center and unwind and win prizes while you get ready for midterms! For more information, contact Campus Activities Network at