The Big Little University Rising
Live off campus and need a snack to get you through the day? Visit Brandt Student Center, Room 108 for free snacks available for students during finals week. For more information, contact Alex Johnson at
If you are a member of Alpha Lambda Delta who is graduating in December, don’t forget to stop by to pick up your honor cord beginning on Dec. 4. Cords can be picked up Monday through Friday between 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at the front desk of Student Support Services, located on the third floor of […]
All are invited to Spiritual Life’s final Sunday Chapel service of the semester for a special Festival of Lessons and Carols worship service on Dec. 10 at 11:30 a.m. The […]
Special guest Christopher Bill conducts this year’s A Low Brass Christmas, a holiday play-along in the style of Tuba Christmas.
The Center for Civic Engagement is gathering volunteers to help WATTS (Winchester Area Temporary Thermal Shelter) serve a meal to local individuals dealing with poverty on Sunday, Dec. 10, 6-8 p.m. at Canvas Community Church (2333 Roosevelt Blvd, Winchester, VA). Duties include serving food and after serving, interacting with the attendants. Sign up on HelperHelper. […]
Join Alpha Psi Omega in Ruebush 128 for karaoke on Dec. 10 at 7:30 p.m.! Either sing a song yourself or get an APO member to sing a song of your choice! Popcorn and snacks will be available to purchase at the event for $1 each. For more information, contact Axel Manica at
Are you stressed about studying for finals? Join the Center for Civic Engagement on Dec. 10, from 8- 9:30 p.m. in the Smith Library for a Study Skills Social to prepare before finals week. Bring some friends and talk about study tips while you study. There will be super study snacks to help with concentration […]
The English Department invites you to celebrate our graduating English majors as they share their culminating work on Dec. 11 in Gregory, room 104. Students demonstrate their accomplishments as readers, […]
Spiritual Life is excited to welcome Rabbi Aaron Stucker Rozovsky from Beth El Congregation to our campus for community bonding, menorah lighting, and light refreshments. This event will take place […]
Shenandoah Conservatory students and faculty present a free recital featuring chamber music for brass.
Enjoy a delicious breakfast spread served to you by Shenandoah’s faculty and staff the night before finals on Monday, Dec. 11! Whether you come alone or bring all of your friends, good vibes, free food, and a DJ will be waiting to get you pumped for finals week. For more information, contact Alex Johnson at […]
Mindful Moments with The Mobile Unit from Holistic Horsemanship Services will be on campus on Dec. 12 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Lucy Lou Who the haflinger pony, River the miniature horse, and JLO the G.O.A.T. will be walking around campus to check in and see how you are all doing during finals week. If you […]
Is studying for finals making you tense? Our massage therapist can work out some of those knots and help you relax. Stop by the Brandt Student Center, near the Game Room, on Dec. 12 and 13, anytime between noon and 2 p.m. to get the relief you need to tackle that next final. For more […]
Need an afternoon pick-me-up? Stop by the Leadership Lawn for a coffee, tea, or lemonade of your choice from the Travelin Tom’s Coffee Truck on Dec. 12. Free supplies are limited to students and based on the truck’s availability. For more information, contact Alex Johnson at
Celebrate the work of the Theatre Design and Production students as they showcase their work. Work is included from all areas of design including, Stage Management, Costume Design, Sound Design, […]
Take a break from finals and join the Mosaic Center for hot chocolate and entertainment on Dec. 12 in the Mosaic Center! Drop by to enjoy hot chocolate and show off your PJs! For more information, contact the Mosaic Center at
Is studying for finals making you tense? Our massage therapist can work out some of those knots and help you relax. Stop by the Brandt Student Center, near the Game […]
Take a break from finals and enjoy some one-on-one time with therapy dogs! The therapy dogs will be available on Dec. 13 from 12:30-2 p.m. in the Brandt Student Center. […]
The students from FYS “All the World’s A Stage” and ShenEd Social Action Through Creative Expression present a short film exploring different struggles in mental health commonly faced by college […]
Spiritual Life Monthly Movie Night Presents: Scrooged (1988) It's finals. It's December. There's a lot going on. Come take a study break to watch Scrooged (1988), a retelling of A Christmas […]
The deadline to register to use the Fitness Center during Winter break is Dec. 14 at noon. If you are going to be on campus during Winter Break and plan to use the Fitness Center in the Brandt Student Center please be sure to complete this access form no later than Dec.14 at noon. This […]