Day 7 of our experience here in Belize. Today we went on a caving adventure to the ATL caves. It was my first caving experience and I wasn’t sure what to expect. After a two-hour bumpy bus ride amidst palm and pine trees, colorful houses, and citrus fields, we made it to the hiking entrance where the caves began. I can’t fully flesh out how incredible the caving was in this blog entry because other people need to check their e-mail – BUT I will go over some of the highlights! After hiking about 4o minutes to the cave entrance, we climbed down slippery rocks and swam into the entrance of the caves. We shone our headlamps into two hours of an amazing adventure of rock climbing, swimming, and padding barefoot alongside Mayan artifacts, including a calcified skeleton of a human sacrifice! The whole experience affected me deeply, and I consider myself really lucky to have been caving in the ATL, particularly with my great group. What a cultural treasure!