Shenandoah Summer Music Theatre is a professional, non-Equity. not-for-profit theatre, supported by ticket sales and gifts, which provides affordable musical theatre for families in and around our community.
It was established to give Shenandoah Conservatory theatre students an opportunity to have professional experience before going out to start their own careers in that field.
Artistic Director Emeritus Harold Herman led the team of Shenandoah Conservatory faculty and staff that founded SSMT in 1984. Herman continued as Producing Artistic Director until the spring of 2015, when Thomas Albert was named to the position.
Shenandoah Summer Music Theatre presents Broadway musicals each season, with performances on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday afternoons, and Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings. Our season audiences total over 29,000 people, drawn from a 150-mile radius. All shows are presented with full sets and costumes, with the support of a live orchestra. The entire company averages 90 members.