The Conservatory Wish List represents the needs of divisions from all across Shenandoah Conservatory. Each of the listed projects are aimed to enhance student education and training, strengthen the artistic experience for our audiences and patrons, and/or strengthen student retention and recruitment.
For more information on the Conservatory Wish List items or to make a donation that transforms these wishes into reality for our students and faculty, contact Shenandoah University’s Office of Advancement at (540) 665-4512 or
Invited Choreographers Showcase
The annual Invited Choreographers Showcase invites underrepresented choreographers to campus to purposefully engage artists that create within a hybrid style of movement (fusing non-western styles and euro-centric styles) offering unique experiences for our students and audiences, further differentiating our dance program from others in Virginia.
Cost: $10,000 (renewable annually)
Electric Keyboard
An electric keyboard (digital piano) and combination amplifier.
Cost: $4,000
Adjustable Organ Bench
Adjustable organ bench for Goodson Chapel – Recital Hall that allows organists of differing heights to be the correct height in relation to the manuals and pedal keyboards. An adjustable bench gives the player stability and the ability to set the bench at the exact customized height.
Cost: $2,500
Enhanced Lighting
Enhanced lighting in Goodson Chapel – Recital Hall for teaching lessons and classes, rehearsals and performances.
Cost: $3,000
E-flat Clarinet
Cost: $5,000 (Used) or $8,000 (New)
A Clarinet
Cost: $4,000 (Used) or $6,000 (New)
The clarinet in A is used primarily in orchestras and for some solos and concerti. This is an instrument generally owned by those students most serious about their studies who have played in orchestras while in high school. As a result, in the United States, the university where the students attend usually owns a few A clarinets the students that do not own one can use. Shenandoah has one A clarinet. Owning an additional A will allow a greater number of students access to this instrument.
Within the clarinet family, we also have what are called auxiliary instruments such as the clarinet in E-flat. Only actively performing professional clarinetists own these instruments. The university where students attend always provides these auxiliary instruments for students. The current E-flat clarinet the university owns is very old and thus is incredibly out of tune.
The good news is that these instruments need not be purchased new. Used professional-level instruments will work just fine and should have a lifespan of about 10 to 15 years. These used instruments cost at least 50% less than brand-new ones. We would be so grateful for any financial contributions given towards the purchase of these instruments!
Jazz Heritage Concert Series
Jazz Heritage Concert series celebrating and featuring American jazz artists. In addition to a rehearsal and concert, the guest artist(s) for this series will conduct masterclasses for conservatory students. Students will be able to perform and interact with successful artists and entrepreneurs.
Cost: $10,000
Bose Portable Sound System
Bose Portable Sound System for the Instrumental Division that can be operated by the musicians making additional performances not dependent on support from the conservatory audio team. Students will benefit from learning and appreciating what it takes to support a performance. This will be valuable preparation for all involved in preparing students beyond the conservatory.
Cost: $9,500
Live Sound Reinforcement Equipment
Live sound reinforcement is a vital and growing area of study for Music Production & Recording Technology (MPRT) students. Maintaining and upgrading equipment is critical to preparing students for work in the live sound reinforcement industry. Working with state-of-the-art equipment bolsters MPRT’s pedagogical goals for the program.
Cost: $10,000
Rehearsal Room Equipment Upgrade
Upgrade equipment in one rehearsal room with technology where students can work on their live performance skills. This performance laboratory will continue to push the conservatory into the twenty-first century and help prepare current and prospective students in the growing Collaborative Audio Arts program to work within the digital world.
Cost: $10,000
Video Equipment
Video equipment for Contemporary Musicianship & Entrepreneur Development (CMED) students, within and beyond the CMED program, must master social media content creation. All social media platforms are now dominated by video. Having equipment that allows students to create high-quality, professional-grade videos on a consistent basis will help to build their emerging careers.
Cost: $8,000
Five Decca Array Microphones
Five Decca array microphones (two DPA 4006TL and three Pearl OM16). Decca array is a famous recording technique used for orchestral recordings created in the early 1950s by the Decca recording label that is still used today.
Cost: $7,500
Instruments for Clinics
To update and expand the instruments for the music therapy program to use in clinics conducted in Winchester, Virginia.
Cost: $3,000
Stage Write Software
Stage Write software makes it simple to accurately document the staging, choreography and spacing for any theatrical production. Since its release in 2012, Stage Write has been dubbed the “new standard of documentation for staging and choreography.”
Cost: $600
Video Equipment
A new performance-based course co-taught between film and opera to equip opera singers with vital skills needed in order to perform on camera and embrace this aspect of the profession that is rapidly developing. Video equipment is needed that can be shared between the opera and film departments to deliver this course.
Cost: $9,500
Alexander Technique Workshops
The Alexander Technique (AT) is a well-established approach that provides performers with strategies to increase ease and efficiency of movement, prevent injuries, decrease stress and improve overall well-being. Kathryn Enders, AmSat Certified AT Instructor (2001), will facilitate group workshops and private lessons for 48 students from all focus areas and levels of study (on a first-come, first-served basis). The cross-disciplinary nature of workshops will further nurture a culture of collaboration and well-being. The Alexander Technique program will also support student recruitment (Alexander Technique is regularly taught at the Juilliard School of Performing Arts, The Royal College of Music, The Boston Conservatory of Music, The Royal Conservatory of Music and peer institutions of Shenandoah University) and retention (by supporting sustainable practice and performance and an increased sense of belonging through building connections with a wide variety of students).
Cost: $5,000 for one academic year (2 cohorts of 12 students each per semester, receiving 7 group and 2 to 3 private lessons each)
Portable Wireless Communication System
Portable Wireless Communication System for Glaize Studio Theatre and Ohrstrom-Bryant Theatre. This is an intercom system for the performance tech crew to communicate with each other during technical rehearsals and performances.
Cost: $8,000
Shenandoah University is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All gifts are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.