Hello from the Office of Alumni & Constituent Relations!
In the last two months as I have stepped into a more active role of working with the alumni of Shenandoah, one thing has been abundantly clear: Shenandoah alumni have a GREAT story to tell!
Over the past month and a half, more than 250 Shenandoah alumni have attended Shenandoah reunions and gatherings. The Conservatory Alumni Reunion (featuring the SSMT & Friends Reunion), Dayton Alumni Weekend, Black Alumni Reunion, Field Hockey Reunion and Soccer Alumni Weekend all brought alumni back to campus to reconnect with friends, faculty/staff and coaches. In these moments as I have met and visited with so many of you, I have heard incredible stories of your Shenandoah experience and have been inspired by your success since your time at SU. Again, we have a GREAT story to tell!
How can you help tell the story? It may be simpler than you think! Here are just a few ways:
- Follow SU Alumni Association on Facebook and Instagram and share the stories with your friends and network.
- Wear SU t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, etc., especially in large public gatherings. You will be surprised how many people ask you about Shenandoah!
- Drink your morning coffee or tea in a SU mug!
- Attend SU Homecoming October 6-8 and invite a friend!
Your Alumni Board of Directors, through their hard work, is implementing plans to increase involvement in the areas of Alumni Engagement, Admissions, Career Services, and Student Engagement. Stay tuned to learn more about how you can get involved with these initiatives.
Help us tell the Shenandoah story!
Greeley Myers, Ed.D
Assistant Vice President for Alumni Relations and Annual Giving