The Virginia Education Assessment Collaborative (VEAC) is a partnership among Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The purpose of VEAC is provide a centralized assessment structure for Virginia EPPs in order to standardize and reduce the complexity of data collection required for accreditation and program improvement. The use of common instruments and data collection processes will improve EPPs’ ability to understand their relative strengths and opportunities for improvement. Shared instruments also provide a common language and can prompt discussion around areas for collective improvement across the commonwealth.
The first phase of the VEAC initiative centered on the collection of survey data. Every year, all 39 EPPs in Virginia send their own program surveys to program completers and their employers. These surveys provide feedback to support program improvement and to meet the requirements of the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). In years past, because these surveys have been specific to each institution, principals were required to respond to multiple surveys with different content and structures throughout the year.
In an effort to streamline and improve the survey process, 18 institutions have come together to administer common surveys to program completers and employers. This group includes public and private institutions representing a range of sizes, program structures, and contexts. In addition to reducing the complexity of survey completion for administrators, the use of common instruments has allowed these 18 institutions to benchmark their data against the larger consortium of participating EPPs. The surveys are also aligned to the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Uniform Performance Standards, which school administrators currently use to evaluate in-service teachers’ performance. In 2021-2023, VEAC added advanced program surveys to reports.
2021-2022-2023 Advanced Licensure Reports
VEAC Advanced Licensure Program Completer Survey Report – Shenandoah University
VEAC Advanced Licensure Program Employer Survey Report – Shenandoah University
2022-2023 Reports
VEAC Initial Licensure Program Completer Survey Report – Shenandoah University
VEAC Initial Licensure Program Employer Survey Report – Shenandoah University