Blayne Weaver, director in residence and adjunct professor of film production at Shenandoah University, co-stars in “Fluorescent Beast,” a black comedy directed by Paul Osbourne. The film follows Nelson Shell (John T. Woods), an office worker who feels trapped by the monotony of his job. Shell finds his life changed after being sent on a work trip by Mr. Hayden (Patrick Day), a mysterious executive at his company. Although the film is unrated, it does contain R-level content.
“Fluorescent Beast” will be screened at the Winchester Alamo Drafthouse Cinema on Sunday, Sept. 15, and the screening will also feature a post-show Q&A with Weaver. Film Threat calls it “stunning, fun, whip-smart… [and] an original, engaging masterpiece.”
To learn more about “Fluorescent Beast” and book your tickets for the screening, check out
Photo by Conspicuous Pictures
– Written by Natalie Gales ’26