We want to let you know that we have heard your voices about the disturbing posts on social media that involve a student-athlete. We understand the harm images like these can cause inside and outside of our institution. Especially in times like these when we need to stand as one community.
We have now elevated this concern to a full-scale investigation with our Conduct Team and the Dean of Students. The university is taking this matter very seriously. We have now confirmed the identities of both people in the posts; one is a Shenandoah student and the other is not.
As we stated earlier this week, we have no tolerance for racial injustice at Shenandoah. During this national crisis when we must all come together to stand up and take action against racism, care must be taken to ensure nothing impedes our progress.
We, as a university, recognize that we can always do better and that it is essential both to speak up AND to act.
I wanted to share with you that yesterday, SU announced:
- The establishment of an anonymous system to report discrimination
- Mandatory diversity and inclusion training for all Faculty and Staff (starting right away this summer with DPS, Athletics, VP & Pres Offices, Staff Council and Faculty Senate)
- The establishment of a diversity scholarship to support recruitment and retention of students of color in underrepresented programs
- A community dialogue to reconsider the name of the business school
- Deans and faculty will review SU’s curricula to ensure that our academic programs reflect and support the diversity of our history and society
- Continued work by PRIDE (President’s Representatives on Inclusion, Diversity & Equity)
- Summer online & in-person conversations about Diversity and Inclusiveness
- Increased financial support for the work of PRIDE and Mosaic Center
We continue to hear your voices and are committed to the mission of Shenandoah University. This is the time to turn ideas into actions, policies and new outcomes.
At SU, everyone rises,
Tracy Fitzsimmons