On May 29, Tim Smith (C ’76) was the keynote speaker at a public ceremony, in honor of Memorial Day at the War Memorial in historic Yorktown, Virginia.
Karen Rose (HP ’81, ’84) has been appointed the new dean of the College of Nursing at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.
On May 11, Tom Sweitzer (C ’95 ’11) was mentioned in an article entitled, “Young pianist tapping into talent with support from local nonprofits.” (Pictured to the left.)
On May 24, Tiffany Wakeley Heintzman (C ’03) was highlighted in an article entitled, “Dance Studio To Celebrate 15th Anniversary At Upcoming Production.”
On May 18, Amanda Powell (C ’03) performed with the group Alla Boara at Merrimans Playhouse in South Bend, Indiana.
On June 1, Tara Woolever (AS ’04, EL ’16) became new principal at James Wood Middle School, Karen McCoy (EL ’09) became the new principal at Sherando High School and Alyssa McKee (AS ’14, EL ’14, ’20) became the new assistant principal at James Wood High School. These are all schools in Frederick County, Virginia.
In May, two new publications by Church Music Institute Director and Adjunct Associate Professor of Organ Wayne L. Wold (C ’07) were released: “Bring a Torch: Advent and Christmas Carols for Organ” from Sacred Music Press and “Built on the Rock: Partita on “Kirken den er et gammelt hus” from Concordia Publishing House. (Pictured to the right.)
On May 4, it was announced that Sarah Nale (C ’09) will join the fine arts faculty at Glenville State University, beginning this upcoming academic year.
Rebekah Pennington (C ’09) recently received a Bachelor of Science in education from Radford University. (Pictured to the left.)
On Jan. 17, Brandon Adams (B ’15, ’17) and Chasity Toms Adams (AS ’14) welcomed baby Braxton Lamar Adams into the world. (Pictured to the right.)
On May 12, Alan Moser (C ’15), John Romano (C ’91), Georgiann Toole (C ’97) and Wayne L. Wold (C ’07), D.M.A., participated in a local progressive dinner and concert honoring past and present Winchester composers.
On June 1, Jacob Ashby (AS ’16) was highlighted in an article entitled, “New USMH leader wants you to know how the center works — and where it’s going.”
On May 12, Rosa Rivera (N ’16, ’22) was highlighted in an article entitled, “Business Briefcase,” in the Winchester Star.
On May 2, Darrell Thompson (AS ’16) was highlighted in an article about his minor league baseball career in the Winchester Star.
Hayley Gummer (AS ’18) graduated with her Doctorate in Occupational Therapy from Mary Baldwin University. (Pictured to the left.)
Instructional Assistant and Dance Accompanist (Percussion) Daniel “D.K.” Kelly II (C ’18) recently opened the Drum Orpheum Rehearsal Hall as part of M.E. Opus, a music and entertainment company based in Winchester, Virginia. (Pictured to the right.)
Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Professor of Dance Ting-Yu Chen (EL ’19), Ed.D., was a session presenter for the 2023 Virginia Network for Women in Higher Education Annual State Conference hosted by The College of William & Mary on Friday, June 9.
Katie Holland (C ’21) recently completed her Master of Fine Arts in theatre from Virginia Commonwealth University and will return there in the fall on a one-year teaching fellowship. During the fellowship, she will teach two classes: Fundamentals of Design and Movement for the Actor I.
Edward Shilts (C ’21) was a composer/librettist for the Atlanta Opera 96 – hour opera project from June 9 to 12.
In May, Cassidy Myers (C ’22) talked about her Professional Semester at Broadway Dance Center in a Shenandoah University Blog.
Kristina Tucker (C ’22) recently returned from her first contract with Celebrity Cruises as a production cast dancer and was promoted to a supervisor position as dance captain.
Justin DiSantis (AS ’23) and Eric Gyamfi (AS ’23) broadcasted their first episode of “Brick By Brick Vets” on Feb. 12, with the support of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (Pictured to the right.)
Flutist Yuan-I Jeffrey (C ’23) honored and celebrated her Atayal tribe (an Indigenous population in Taiwan) culture through her dissertation topic, “Revival and Innovation of Taiwanese Indigenous Music.”
Kathleen Jordan (C ’23) has been accepted into the Disney College Program and will begin working at Disney Word in Fall of 2023. (Pictured to the left.)
On June 2, it was announced that Matt McIntosh (B ’23) was promoted to assistant athletic communications director at Shenandoah University.
Azaria Rubio (C ’23) was selected as a designer for the 2023 Latinx Theatre Commons (LTC) Designer & Director Colaboratorio, which takes place from June 28 to July 2, in Portland, Oregon.
In Memoriam
Harry A. Newlin, Jr. (’61) of Thurmont, Maryland, passed away on May 31, 2023.
Jonas O. “Joc” Chamberlin III (’62) of Leesburg, Virginia, passed away on May 25, 2023.
Marilyn Keyton Harper ( ’69) of Williamsburg, Virginia, passed away on May 9, 2023.
Bonnie Barr Judy (N ’78) of Stephens City, Virginia, passed away on May 6, 2023.
Sandra Owens Kerns (N ’80) of Martinsburg, West Virginia, passed away on May 19, 2023.
Patricia Burkholder Mickelinc (N ’89) of Harrisonburg, Virginia, passed away on May 11, 2023.
Darlene Lorraine Louzonis (HP ’94) of Winchester, Virginia, passed away on May 26, 2023.