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Club Pickleball Interest Meeting

ShenCoLAB: Festival of Arts, Ideas & Exploration

Main Campus 1460 University Drive, Winchester, VA, United States

ShenCoLAB culminates with a daylong Festival of Arts, Ideas & Exploration featuring a wide variety of exciting, innovative and provocative performances, presentations and other special events.

Spring Formal Registration Deadline

Spend “A Night Under the Stars” at Shenandoah's third annual spring formal dance on Saturday, May 11, from 8-11 p.m. in the Wilkins Athletics and Events Center (WAEC). All undergraduate […]

Stand-Up Paddleboarding

Shenandoah River Campus at Cool Spring Battlefield 1400 Parker Ln, Bluemont, VA, United States

Take some time for rest and relaxation before finals at the River Campus at Cool Spring Battlefield on May 11 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. enjoying an afternoon of Stand Up Paddle Boarding and a BBQ! Save your spot and register today!   For more information, contact SOAR at suoutdoors@su.edu.   

Spring Formal-A Night Under the Stars

James R. Wilkins, Jr. Athletics & Events Center 1188 Ralph Shockey Dr, Winchester, VA, United States

Spend “A Night Under the Stars” at Shenandoah’s third annual Spring Formal dance on Saturday, May 11, from 8 to 11 p.m. in the Wilkins Athletics and Events Center (WAEC)! All undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend. Two complimentary drink tickets will be provided for attendees over the age of […]


Brandt Student Center

Destress before finals in an explosive fashion at PyroPalooza, hosted by the Shenandoah Chapter of the United States Institute of Theatre Technology (USITT), on May 12! Located atop the Brandt Student Center Parking garage on May 12, this event promises an exhilarating showcase of pyrotechnic marvels.   Have you ever dreamt of igniting the spark […]

Event Series Sunday Chapel

Sunday Chapel

Goodson Chapel / Recital Hall 1400 L. P. HILL DR., Winchester, VA, United States

Drawing on elements that are ancient and emerging, diverse and unified, safe and challenging, artful and thoughtful, and playful and profound, this dynamic worshiping community of students, faculty, and staff […]

Event Series Homework Hangouts

Homework Hangouts

Smith Library 718 WADE MILLER DR., Winchester, VA, United States

Hang out with other students on the third floor of the Smith Library while working through those homework assignments! Get the big papers and large projects done while spending time […]

Event Series Yoga with Nicole

Yoga with Nicole

Shingleton Gym, Shingleton Hall 707 UNIVERSITY DR., Winchester, VA, United States

Join Nicole for yoga to start your week off right! Connect breath with movement to create balance in the body and mind. Postures are sequenced to help strengthen your muscles, improve flexibility, and tune into the rhythm of your body. All levels are welcome! Held in Shingleton Hall, Shingleton Gymnasium. 

Event Series Catholic Confession and Mass

Catholic Confession and Mass

Goodson Chapel / Recital Hall 1400 L. P. HILL DR., Winchester, VA, United States

Join SU’s Catholic Campus Ministry for mass every Sunday (when classes are in session) at 6:45 p.m. in Goodson Chapel-Recital Hall. Confessions begin at 6:15 p.m. Everyone is welcome, whether you’re a practicing Catholic, returning member or someone who is curious to learn about mass. Following the service, the Catholic Campus Ministry will host a […]

Event Series Food Recovery Network

Food Recovery Network

Allen Dining Hall 730 WADE MILLER DR., Winchester, VA, United States

Food Recovery Network is hosting a recovery at 6:30 p.m. in the Allen Dining Hall. Volunteers work together to package leftover food that will be served at the Winchester Rescue Mission for those in need. Please consider signing up for a recovery at this link to help fight hunger here in Winchester!  Contact Joshua Brooks […]