Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Brandon Jennings, PharmD, BCACP, was appointed as the treasurer for Phi Lambda Sigma, the Pharmacy Leadership Society, for the term 2017-2019. Phi Lambda Sigma was established in 1965 to develop leadership qualities among pharmacy students and pharmacists and to recognize leaders in the profession. Previously, Dr. Jennings served as Phi Lambda Sigma national president from 2014-2015 and most recently as National Finance Committee chairperson from 2016-2017. Upon learning of his appointment, Jennings stated, “I am extremely excited to have the opportunity to continue to work with Phi Lambda Sigma. Serving this organization and collaborating with the amazing executive committee members continues to be one of the most rewarding aspects of my career. I look forward to my continued involvement and assisting the organization in expanding in the coming years.”
In other pharmacy news, Bernard J. Dunn School of Pharmacy student Lauren Abresch ’19, was accepted to the Junior Commissioned Officer Student Training and Extern Program (JRCOSTEP) with the Public Health Service. She is working this summer with the Indian Health Service in Rock Hill, South Carolina, in an ambulatory care setting.
Additionally, Tatiana Wright ’17 won second place in the 2017 American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) Virtual Poster Symposium Best Poster Competition. Wright’s poster on the “Frequency of the SLCO1B1 (rs4149056) polymorphism in Caucasians compared to Mexican Americans,” finished second only to a poster by a University of North Carolina pharmacy student. As a top three finisher, she has been invited to present an “encore” poster at the 2017 ACCP Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona.