Dr. Katie Bain, DPT, (Scholar Plaza, Loudoun, faculty), Dr. Lindsay Carroll, DPT, (Health Professions Building faculty) and Dr. Joe Signorino, DPT, (Scholar Plaza, Loudoun, faculty), all of whom are assistant professors of physical therapy at Shenandoah, earned their doctorates in December. Dr. Bain (University of Kentucky) and Dr. Carroll (Duquesne University) each earned a Ph.D. Dr. Signorino earned a DSc from Bellin College. (Carroll, Bain, and Signorino are shown above.)
Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy Lindsay Carroll, DPT, Ph.D., co-wrote an article, “Forefoot Injuries in Athletes: Integration of the Movement System,” published in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. Read it online.
Associate Director of Clinical Education, Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy & Director of the Pre-Health Program Kate Divine, DPT; Associate Professor of Physical Therapy Lisa McVey, DPT; and Dean of the School of Health Professions and Professor of Physical Therapy Karen Abraham, Ph.D., (and Division of Physical Therapy alumni Michael Tolerico, DPT; Alea Hess, DPT; and Ryan Painter, DPT) were awarded the Physical Therapy Learning Institute’s 2021 Education Influencer Award for their project, “Perceptions of Student Physical Therapist Clinical Instructors’ Behavior and Beliefs on Blood Pressure Assessments in the Outpatient Setting: A Focus Group.” The PTLI Influencer Award is given to a presentation that has the potential to have a positive influence toward excellence in PT education and is consistent with the vision and mission of PTLI. Associate Professor of Physical Therapy Aaron Hartstein, DPT, Ph.D., was awarded PTLI’s 2021 Education Innovator Award for his project, “Virtual Reality in PT Education: A RCT Comparing VR and Standardized Patient Experiences.” The PTLI Innovator Award is given to a presentation that innovates in new areas / ideas / theories / techniques of PT education and is consistent with the vision and mission of PTLI.
Professor and Director of the Division of Physical Therapy Sheri Hale, Ph.D., has begun a three-year term as a co-chair for the Exam Development Committee for the National Physical Therapy Exam.