Eve Stanley ’22 (Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance) was hired as an assistant choreographer, dance instructor and student counselor for 3 summer sessions at Stagedoor Manor in Loch Sheldrake, New York. She is teaching Modern 3, Modern Performance, Jazz 2, Advanced Musical Theatre Performance and Ballet 2. She has been assigned to three productions – one per training session. For the first session, she had the opportunity to assistant choreograph for “Cinderella,” as directed by Robert Mintz. For session two, she is currently on set assisting for “Catch Me If You Can,” as directed by Marie Nicole. Her next session production will be announced at the end of this month.
“StageDoor is filled with talented students from all over the world who come to train in New York for their future careers,” said Stanely. “I am honored to have been selected to be a part of these students’ journey and growth in the performing arts.”
She is joined by Sam White ’22 (Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Design & Production – Stage Management) and Auxiliary Adjunct Assistant Professor of Dance – Technical Production Miriah Borden, M.F.A.