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The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Service of Remembrance

U.S. Secret Service Info Table

Brandt Student Center

The U.S. Secret Service will have an informational table featuring a representative discussing work-based learning and future career opportunities available to students. The representative will be available on Tuesday, Feb. 27 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Brandt Student Center to speak with interested Shenandoah University students. Questions? Contact career@su.edu. 

Life After College Seminar

Borden Student Associations Center, Brandt Student Center Room 123 703 UNIVERSITY DR., Winchester

Career and Professional presents a seminar on life after college outlining helpful hints about goal setting, planning a budget for the future, and researching projected salaries and job openings for various fields. The seminar will be held in the Brandt Student Center, Room 123 on Feb. 27 at 2:30 p.m. Indicate your interest by midnight […]

Event Series Vinyasa Yoga with Amber

Vinyasa Yoga with Amber

Shingleton Gym, Shingleton Hall 707 UNIVERSITY DR., Winchester

Open to all levels of skill, this gentle yoga class gives a mindful, full-body workout while harmonizing breath and movement. Practice yoga postures while training the mind to enjoy the […]

Mental Health Book Club

Smith Library 718 WADE MILLER DR., Winchester

Join the Book Club on Feb. 27 at 6 p.m. in Smith Library, room 225 for the monthly meet-up to discuss books with mental health themes. Chat with participants and […]

American Fiction at the Alamo

Alamo Drafthouse Cinema 181 Kernstown Commons Blvd, Winchester

On Feb. 27, from 6:30-9:30 p.m., the Alamo will show American Fiction, sponsored by the English Department, Black Studies, Film Production, and College of Arts & Sciences. A panel discussion […]