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Transfer Connection

Event Series Dance Party with Ella

Dance Party with Ella

Shingleton Gym, Shingleton Hall 707 UNIVERSITY DR., Winchester

Dance Party with Ella is the perfect combination of fitness and fun! Party your way through an hour of pump-up music with all the benefits of a total body workout. Whether you’re a student, faculty, or staff member, Dance Party has something for you! Held in Shingleton Hall, Shingleton Gymnasium. 

Battle of the Bands

Ferrari Room, Brandt Student Center 703 UNIVERSITY DR., Winchester

SWARM is excited to announce that Battle of the Bands returns on April 11 in the Brandt Student Center, Ferrari Room! If you are interested in performing, please fill out this noncommittal interest form. If you have any questions feel free to message SWARM @swarmmusicgroup on Instagram or email ejahoda21@su.edu. We look forward to hearing […]

Event Series Food Recovery Network

Food Recovery Network

Allen Dining Hall 730 WADE MILLER DR., Winchester

Food Recovery Network is hosting a recovery at 7:30 p.m. on Thursdays this semester in Allen Dining Hall. Volunteers will work together to package leftover food that will be served […]