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Buzzy’s Food Pantry Open House

Women’s Basketball vs. Randolph

James R. Wilkins, Jr. Athletics & Events Center 1188 Ralph Shockey Dr, Winchester, VA, United States

Women's basketball will take on Randolph on Nov. 26 at 2 p.m. in the James R. Wilkins, Jr. Athletics and Events Center.  View the full women's basketball schedule. 

Toys for Tots Donations Due

Main Campus 1460 University Drive, Winchester, VA, United States

The Center of Civic Engagement would like to remind everyone to support the donation drive for Toys for Tots. Thanksgiving Break and Black Friday are great opportunities to purchase toys […]

Mental Health Book Club

Smith Library 718 WADE MILLER DR., Winchester, VA, United States

Join the Mental Health Book Club in Smith Library on Oct. 25 to discuss “Gender Queen” by Maia Kobabe! This monthly meet-up discusses books with mental health themes. Students can chat with other book club participants, make new friends, and learn about themselves along the way.  The group meets in Smith Library, room 225. Please […]

Canceled: Clarinet Choir

Goodson Chapel / Recital Hall 1400 L. P. HILL DR., Winchester, VA, United States

This performance has been canceled.

Menstrual Health

Brandt Student Center

Good menstrual hygiene management (MHM) plays a fundamental role in enabling women, girls, and other menstruators to reach their full potential. The negative impacts of a lack of good menstrual health and hygiene cut across sectors. Visit the Women’s Center table on this topic from 11 a.m-2 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 28, in the Brandt […]

FBI Lunch & Learn

Borden Student Associations Center, Brandt Student Center Room 123 703 UNIVERSITY DR., Winchester, VA, United States

Join the Federal Bureau of Investigation for an interactive presentation by employees who work with the organization The presentation will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 28 from noon-1 p.m. in […]

Navigating Conflicting Narratives

Borden Student Associations Center, Brandt Student Center Room 123 703 UNIVERSITY DR., Winchester, VA, United States

Have you been feeling overwhelmed by the news or media narratives on Israel and Palestine? Unsure how to navigate conflicting information amidst visceral reactions to global violence? Join Spiritual Life on Tuesday, Nov. 28, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in Brandt Student Center, Borden Student Associations Center (B-SAC, Room 123) for an engaging workshop exploring […]

Sarah’s Glen Tree Lighting

Sarah’s Glen 39.166521, -78.158844, Winchester, VA, United States

The Student Government Association (SGA) is hosting a tree lighting at Sarah's Glen on Nov. 28 at 3:30 p.m. with the lighting taking place at 5 p.m. This event will include refreshments and an opportunity to decorate or bring your own ornament for the tree. Bring a friend and join SGA for a great opportunity […]

Book Lovers Night

Ferrari Room, Brandt Student Center 703 UNIVERSITY DR., Winchester, VA, United States

Attention all book lovers! Come swap books on Nov. 28 at 7 p.m. in the Ferrari Room and create a cute bookmark with Campus Activities Network! Limited supplies.  For questions, contact Campus Activities Network at can@su.edu