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Mock Trial Presentation

Red Hornets Basketball Camp

James R. Wilkins, Jr. Athletics & Events Center 1188 Ralph Shockey Dr, Winchester, VA, United States

Red Hornets Basketball Camp is back with three sessions this summer. Register today! These week-long camps are designed to help children ages 6-17 improve their skills while having a fun […]

Independent Study Thesis: Unlocking Success

Remote via Zoom

An independent thesis study for completion of the University Interdisciplinary Degree program at Shenandoah University presents "Unlocking Success: The Power of Embracing Mental Health in the Workplace Through Human Connection" by Anna Rippard, R-CPRS, MHFA, CSM. The presentation will take place over Zoom on Tuesday, July 23 at 4 p.m.

Occupational Therapy Doctorate Post-Professional Program Capstone Presentations

Join the Division of Occupational Therapy on Tuesday, July 23 at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom for capstone presentations from doctoral students in the Occupational Therapy Doctorate Post-Professional (OTD-PP) program. All are invited to attend the following virtual presentations:  “Beyond Limitations: A Qualitative Inquiry into the Lived Experiences of Congenital Radioulnar Synostosis” by Rochelle Kingston from […]

Occupational Therapy Doctorate Post-Professional Program Capstone Presentations

Join the Division of Occupational Therapy on Thursday, July 25 starting at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom for capstone presentations from doctoral students in the Occupational Therapy Doctorate Post-Professional (OTD-PP) program. All are invited to attend the following virtual presentations:  “FUNctional Independence: A School-Based Occupational Therapy Program to Increase Daily Living Skills in Adolescent Students with […]

Transfer Student Orientation

Brandt Student Center

Summer Orientation is a fun and exciting day for new students and their families. In addition to meeting other students and families, you will get your Hornet ID card, receive your first-semester class schedule, learn how to prepare for university life, talk with faculty and staff, find out what goes on in and around Winchester, […]

Deadline for Fall Early Arrival Form

Residential student move-in dates for the fall term are: New student move-in: August 21 from 8 a.m.-noon  Returning student move-in: August 24 from 8 a.m.-noon If you are a student who needs to request to move back to campus earlier than your official move-in date, you will need to complete the Early Arrival Request form […]

Event Series Shenandoah University Youth Cheer Camp

Shenandoah University Youth Cheer Camp

James R. Wilkins, Jr. Athletics & Events Center 1188 Ralph Shockey Dr, Winchester, VA, United States

We got spirit, yes we do! We got spirit, how ‘bout you? The Shenandoah University Cheerleading team is hosting a Youth Cheer Camp for rising K-8th graders! The camp takes place from noon-5 p.m. on August 3 and 4 in the Wilkins Athletics and Events Center. Children will learn the basics of cheerleading in fun […]

Indoor Rock Climbing

Main Campus 1460 University Drive, Winchester, VA, United States

Just because the weather has cooled down doesn’t mean the adventure ends with SOAR! Join us on Nov. 16 for indoor climbing at Vertical Rock in Manassas, V.A. from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Beginners are welcome!  The Ffee includes transportation and belay certification class (if needed). Bring your own money for snacks. Register online!