A team of Shenandoah faculty and staff have been awarded a $5,000 Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges (VFIC) grant for their project: “One to Many: Shared Digital Scholarship.”
In this project, students will research, document, curate and publish their work in the context of humanities and social science classes. The goal is to promote development of the skills necessary for discovery, analysis, and synthesis so that students are able to become active problem solvers in a world that demands proficiency in digital research and communication for a global audience.
Students will publish their work electronically as electronic books, blogs, sites or apps as appropriate to the project. And, students will present their work at the annual Shenandoah University Projects & Research (SUpr) Summit held each spring.
Participating faculty include Associate Professor of Mass Communications Kelley Crowley, Ph.D.; Assistant Professor of Religion Meredith Minister, Ph.D.; Adjunct Assistant Professor of History Jonathan Noyalas, M.A.; and Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Petra Schweitzer, Ph.D.
Coordination and support is provided by Director of the Center for Teaching, Learning & Technology and Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies Anne Marchant, Ph.D.; Graduate Programs Librarian and Senior Librarian Rosemary Green, Ph.D.; Librarian I Andy Kulp, M.L.S.; Director of the Writing Center and Professor of English Doug Enders, Ph.D.; and Assistant Professor of Psychology Mark Chan, Ph.D.