Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy Alicia Lutman, OTD, and occupational therapy program alumni Brianna Boelte, Amanda Gibs, Diana Gold, Mollie Kamerow, BriAnna Thomassy, participated in the creation of an article that appeared in the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association Winter Journal 2021, under Dr. Lutman’s byline: “Effectiveness of Law Enforcement Officer Training Pertaining to Youths and Behavioral Challenges in School-Based Settings.”
“I’m so proud of the students; working with them was amazing and some great information came of this study to help find the places we can improve education training programs!” Lutman said.
Another study, under Lutman, including the work of occupational therapy master’s students Elise Rocconi, Anna Burns, Tessa Myers, Domonique Gholson, Madison Hansen and Alisa Van de Crommert, addressed community policing benefits in Strasburg, Virginia. According to a feature article in the Northern Virginia Daily, the study team “reviewed over 31,000 calls between 2016 and 2020 that Strasburg police responded to and classified them into two categories: reactive or proactive.” Read the entire Northern Virginia Daily article at
Featured photo: Rich Cooley/Northern Virginia Daily