Zachary Robinson-Holness ’24 (Bachelor of Arts in Collaborative Audio Arts) and Valeria Otero Barrera ’23 (Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Design & Production – Lighting Design) are partnering again to present their second production, “Thursdays,” at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 21, in the Harold Herman Lab Theatre (HHLT). This event is a continuation of their independent production work and showcases collaboration among performers of all calibers across the university. Participating groups include Swarm Music Group, Harambee Gospel Choir and more.
“We wanted to take it a step further up from our first show, ‘I Wasn’t Thinking,’” said Robinson-Holness. “Both Val and I felt that we are hermits within the community at times, especially due to the diligence of our work. So we thought, ‘Why not create a social event on a scale of our ambitions that gives back to the community, ourselves and the legacy of our work here’? We are two students who are spearheading and outsourcing to create what simply hasn’t been done before.”
“It’s important to have contrast in art and to have a non-conservatory student perform in a conservatory student-led endeavor,” continued Robinson-Holness. “We’re extending this opportunity purely for the love that we share of the craft, because performances across disciplines are not common nor frequent. This is proof that non-conservatory students can also be creative, and it eliminates the stigma that only conservatory students have the platform to perform.”
“I’m super blessed and honored to get the opportunity to perform alongside some great artists. Music has always been a passion of mine so I’m excited to showcase it to more people that may not know that side of me.”
– Anthony ‘AC’ Cowan ’24 (Bachelor of Business Administration)
“I’m happy to be genre blending with our different acts: to have gospel, indie/dream pop, R&B, pop and two different subgenres of rap, as well as a creative expression from dance. I feel proud of myself for attempting to play a bigger role and give exposure, as well as give artists what I would’ve wanted when first coming to Shenandoah. I hope to leave a legacy and lead by example to give encouragement to current and future independent students to lead artistry.”
– Zachary Robinson-Holness
“‘Thursdays’” started as an undefined concept and grew into a community event. I am quite glad that we are taking on more ambitious work, taking what usually is a standalone piece to a multifaceted experience by expanding the range from our creation of art to creating a space to host the artwork of others. Being able to further collaborate with the different types of creators will offer invaluable experiences. Plus personally the expressionist movements of dance are creatively inspirational and the dancers always seem to have fun personalities.”
– Valeria Otero Barrera