These regulations govern the registration, parking, operation, use and removal of motor vehicles on property owned or under the control of Shenandoah University. They are designed to ensure the safe and orderly movement and parking of vehicles. All individuals who operate vehicles on campus are required to comply with these regulations.
Motor vehicle laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia are recognized on all Shenandoah campuses. Shenandoah University assumes no responsibility for the theft, loss or damage to any vehicle operated or parked on university property. Any university employee or student with a registered vehicle on campus shall be held presumptively responsible for any violation involving his/her parking permit. If any vehicle is found on university property in violation of regulations and/or not displaying a university decal permit, the owner or person in whose name such vehicle is registered shall be held responsible.
All university students, faculty or staff members, or food service employees who park motor vehicles on property owned or under the control of Shenandoah University must register their vehicles with the Department of Campus Safety. This requirement applies whenever a motor vehicle is used on property owned or under the control of Shenandoah University, in connection with any university function or activity, including job-related duties, classes and/or athletic, cultural or social events.
All university employees whether full-time or part-time who park motor vehicles on university property owned or under the control of Shenandoah University shall register their vehicles no later than 4 PM on September 20 (if September 20 falls on a weekend, it will be the Monday after that weekend). There is no other grace period for parking violations and/or regulations.
Enforcement of parking regulations begins on October 1 at which time official violations will be issued by the Department of Campus Safety. All properly registered vehicles may be parked in designated BLUE employee parking areas on campus. Certain parking spots throughout the campus may be designated for specific purposes or individuals and are clearly marked by signage. Any vehicle parked in any of these designated spots by unauthorized persons shall be ticketed and may be subject to towing at the owner’s expense.
Employee Parking Registration Procedure
In order to register your vehicle, you must provide your vehicle registration information to the Department of Campus Safety via the Employee Parking Permit Google Document found at You must pay for the parking permit decal after registering your vehicle with Campus Safety. The registration process is considered complete once you have received and placed the decal permit on the lower left portion of the vehicle’s rear window. Any vehicle not displaying such a permit shall be considered unregistered. Damaged or stolen decal permits must be promptly replaced. Failure to replace such permits will be considered a violation. There is no charge for replacement permits, upon proof of damage to, or loss of, originally issued permits. Replacement permits are issued by the Department of Campus Safety. Stolen permits should be immediately reported to the Department of Campus Safety.
Employee Registration Fee
An annual fee shall be charged to each employee who drives and/or parks a vehicle on property owned or under the control of Shenandoah University. Parking permits are valid October 1 through September 30 each year. All purchases are final; this fee is non-refundable. The parking permit fee will not be prorated. Employees working for only one semester or during the summer will pay full price for the parking permit. Annual permit fees are paid online. Graduate Assistants are considered students, not employees, and must purchase a red student parking permit decal.
Upon proper registration and having been issued blue decal permits and having them displayed as instructed, all employees are permitted to park motor vehicles in designated blue parking areas on property owned or under the control of Shenandoah University. Certain parking spots throughout the campus may be designated for specific purposes or individuals and are clearly marked by signage. Any vehicle parked in any of these designated spots by unauthorized person shall be ticketed and may be subject to towing at the owner’s expense. All university faculty, staff members, food service employees or any other university employee who parks a motor vehicle on property owned or under the control of Shenandoah University shall register their vehicle no later than 4:00 p.m. on September 20 (if September 20 falls on a weekend, then the Monday after the weekend). There is no other grace period for parking violations. Enforcement of parking violations begins after the ten business day grace period at which time official violations will be issued.
Disability Permits
Vehicles parked in designated handicapped parking spaces must display authorization from the motor vehicle administration agency of the state in which the vehicle is registered. Individuals who need accommodation until such authorization is acquired may obtain a special permit from the Department of Campus Safety that allows parking in areas otherwise prohibited, e.g., student parking.
This special permit does not authorize parking in handicapped parking spaces, and it does not take the place of an official authorized permit from a state motor vehicle administration.
Temporary/Visitor Permits
Drivers who must use any vehicle other than the one with an issued permit decal may apply for a temporary permit decal at the Department of Campus Safety. Temporary/visitor hanging permits are free of charge and are valid only for the date issued. White colored temporary/visitor permits entitle the holder to park in any parking lot designated for the color of their normal permit. These permits are also used for visitors that entitle the holder to park in any legal, unreserved parking space. Temporary/visitor parking permits are available at the Department of Campus Safety.
The posted speed limit on university property is 15 miles per hour on roadways and 10 M.P.H. in parking lots. Drivers must stop for pedestrians crossing roadways or walking through parking lots. It is a violation of this Parking & Driving Policy for the operator of any motor vehicle to enter or exit Shenandoah University owned, leased or rented property by using any other privately owned property. Individuals who drive through private property that belongs to any person or business other than Shenandoah University in order to reach or leave campus are subject to citations issued by the university’s Department of Campus Safety.
Vehicles must be parked in assigned lots. Lots are designated by a color coding that matches the decal permit color: Red for all students, blue for faculty and staff employees. In addition, red student parking permits are designated to reflect the particular campus residential assignment held by the student using the vehicle. Those designations are: RFY (Residential First Year), SHD (Solenberger), CFY (Commuter First Year), VIL (Village), and PERMIT PARKING (Returning Students). Only visitors are allowed to park in designated visitor spaces, and only vehicles with appropriate permits may be parked in handicapped spaces. The responsibility for finding a parking space rests with the motor vehicle operator. The fact that a lot is full does not constitute a valid justification for violation of the regulations. In all cases in which a motor vehicle is parked, the position of the automobile shall be such that the whole of the vehicle is located within the boundaries of the parking space. Parking is permitted in marked spaces only. The fact that other vehicles are parked improperly shall not constitute an excuse for parking in a manner such that part of the vehicle extends over or beyond the parking space boundaries.
No parking is allowed within 15 feet of a fire hydrant, in a fire lane or where “No Parking” signs are posted. Certain spaces have been reserved for service vehicles. Service vehicles are defined as Physical Plant vehicles, contractor vehicles and delivery vehicles of license businesses. Motor vehicle operators are responsible for obeying all parking and traffic signs as posted. It is impractical to mark with signs all areas of university property where parking is prohibited. Parking or driving is definitely prohibited on grass plots, tree plots, sidewalks, construction areas or where it will physically mar the landscaping of the campus, create a safety hazard, interfere with the use of university facilities, hinder the free movement of pedestrian or vehicular traffic or impede the use of emergency equipment.
During periods of time such as Winter, Spring, Fall and Summer breaks, all vehicles must be removed from Shenandoah property unless prior arrangements are made with the Department of Campus Safety. Vehicles parked in violation of these provisions may be subject to towing at the owner’s expense. The fact that a person parks in violation of any law, ordinance or regulation and does not receive a citation does not mean the law, ordinance or regulation are no longer in effect. Parking regulations are in effect 365 days a year.
Repairing Vehicles on Campus
Repairing vehicles, other than official university-owned vehicles, with the exception of emergency repairs, is prohibited on Shenandoah University property.
Mopeds, Motorcycles & Bicycles
Motorized bicycles, commonly referred to as mopeds, shall not be parked in buildings, parked so as to block entrance ways or driven on lawns or sidewalks. Individuals may not secure bicycles to fire hydrants, poles, light poles or devices on which notice has been posted by the appropriate authorities forbidding the securing of bicycles, or any place where the securing of a bicycle would obstruct or impede vehicular traffic or pedestrian movement, including handrails, exit discharge areas and handicapped ramps or access ways. A bicycle parked in a manner which restricts emergency egress or handicapped access may be impounded or immobilized pending the identification of the owner and the issuance of a violation notice.
Abandoned bicycles will be removed and discarded. An abandoned bicycle is any bicycle left locked or unlocked on campus after spring graduation and not being used or owned by any university employee or summer school student.
Towing is at the owner’s expense and liability. Contact DCS to see what wrecker service was used. Vehicles may be towed for the following violations:
- Vehicle improperly parked in a reserved space
- Vehicle parked in fire lane
- Vehicle interfering with traffic flow
- Vehicle left unattended for more than two weeks (unless previously approved)
- Vehicle parked in Feltner Building or Solenberger Hall space without authorization
- Any vehicle that has been cited for three or more violations that remain unpaid
Violations and fines are the responsibility of the person to whom the permit is registered. The following are violations of the Shenandoah University Parking & Driving Policy:
- Parking unregistered vehicles on campus
- Parking a vehicle in a lot assigned to another classification of users, including students who are related to faculty or staff members using the employee permit to park in faculty/staff areas
- Improper display or failure to display registration decal permit
- Exceeding the campus speed limit – 10 M.P.H. in parking lots and 15 M.P.H. on roadways
- Ignoring or disobeying any posted sign, traffic device or barricade
- Operating a motor vehicle, including motorcycles, motor scooters, all-terrain vehicles, bicycles or mopeds, on sidewalks and walkways without university authorization
- Operating a bicycle in a careless or imprudent manner that endangers any property or well being of any person
- Parking in “No Parking” zones, including:
- loading docks
- service and access areas
- within 15 feet of a fire hydrant
- intersections
- roadways or vehicular areas in such a way as to obstruct traffic
- designated pedestrian walkways
- grass or lawn areas
- handicapped areas (unless authorized)
- fire lanes
- yellow-painted curbs
- Unauthorized display of a visitor’s permit by a university employee or student
- Display or possession of a parking decal that has been reported stolen or lost
- Unauthorized parking in reserved parking spaces
- Abandoned motor vehicle
- Using private property (property not owned, leased or rented by Shenandoah University) as a thruway to or from campus
Violations of any aspect of the Shenandoah University Parking & Driving Policy will result in a $24 fine with the following exceptions:
- Parking in handicapped or reserved spaces $38
- Parking an unregistered vehicle $38
- Using private property (property not owned, leased or rented by Shenandoah University) as a thruway to or from campus $50
- Displaying or possessing a lost or stolen decal permit $120 Payment
All fines must be paid to Hornet Central within 30 days of issuance of a violation (Saturdays, Sundays and holidays excluded).
Any driver who wants to appeal a violation may do so. Visitors should sign the violation ticket where indicated, and return it to the Department of Campus Safety. Any person who receives a violation may appeal it in writing within 30 days of receipt of the violation. By failing to file an appeal within 30 days, the responsible party has waived his/her right to appeal. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Department of Campus Safety, which will submit the appeal to the Parking Appeals Committee. In addition, an appeal may be submitted online by going to and typing parking policy in the search icon in the upper right corner of the main page after which click on the blue highlighted appeal link. The committee will reply within 10 business days of the day the committee convenes.
Revocation of Parking Privileges & Collection of Fines
Failure to pay fines may affect an employee’s privilege to park at the university. With just cause, the privilege of having a vehicle on campus may be revoked by the Vice President of Administration & Finance or his/her designee.
Employees are permitted to park motor vehicles in designated blue parking areas.
All vehicles must have a parking permit to park on campus at any time. All parking permit types are monitored from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday (peak hours). You may only park in the lots assigned to you during this time. However, from 5 p.m.-8 a.m. Monday through Friday and 24 hours on the weekends, you must have a registered permit, but you may park in any lot on campus without concern for the color of the lot. The VIL, SHD, Feltner, and other reserved spots and lots are reserved 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
- A lot (south of Parker Hall) red & blue permits
- A lot (in front of Gore on L.P. Hill Drive) blue permits only
- B lot (east of Wilkins) blue permits and visitors only
- C lot (between Shingleton and Wilkins along University Drive) blue permits and visitors only
- D lot (near Armstrong & Brandt Student Center) red & blue permits
- D lot (parking garage) red & blue permits (CFY permits are permitted in this lot and the Garage-Wilkins Athletics and Events Center during peak hours)
- E lot (west of Health & Life Sciences and Smith Library buildings) blue permits only
- F lot (Aikens Athletic Center) red & blue permits (no VIL permits ever)
- G lot (Allen Dining Hall) blue permits only
- H lot (west of University Inn, along Millwood Avenue) red & blue permits
- I lot (Halpin-Harrison Hall) red & blue permits
- I lot (Halpin-Harrison Hall garage) blue permits only
- J lot (Henkel Hall) blue permits only
- K lot (University Inn) red permits only
- L lot (Ruebush Hall and Ohrstrom-Bryant Theatre) red & blue permits
- M lot (Armory) red & blue permits
- N lot (Edwards Residential Village) red & blue permits
- O lot (East Campus Commons) red & blue permits
- P lot (Health Professions Building) red & blue permits
- Q lot (Bowman Building) red & blue permits
- T lot (daycare center) red & blue permits
- U Lot (Vaden Campus Commons) red & blue permits
- V Lot (Vickers Communications Center) red & blue permits
- Loudoun lot /red & blue permits
- ICPH, Fairfax – red & blue permits
- Feltner Building lot is reserved for Shenandoah University employees from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday; red & blue permits after hours and weekends.
- Garage-Wilkins Athletics and Events Center (G-WAEC) / red & blue permits
- George Washington Parking Garage (downtown) Solenberger residents only / red permit