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Staff Council-Lunch & Learn-Coursedog

Accommodations Presentation for Faculty

Accommodations Presentation for Faculty Faculty members are invited to join Holli Phillips, Director of Student Support Services, via Zoom on Thursday, November 18th at 1 p.m. to learn more about […]


Loudoun 44160 Scholar Plaza Ste. 100, Leesburg, VA, United States

“SafeTALK”  teaches participants to recognize and engage persons who might be having thoughts of suicide and to connect them with community resources specializing in suicide intervention. SafeTALK stresses safety while […]

Staff Council Lunch & Learn

Hester Auditorium, Henkel Hall 726 WADE MILLER DR., Winchester, VA, United States

Staff Council presents Jay Foreman - Thriving Through Organizational Change on Thursday, March 14 at noon. Bring your lunch to Hester Auditorium (or join via Zoom).  For questions, please contact Amanda Levy at alevy@su.edu.


Cecil Pruitt, Jr. Health & Life Sciences Building WADE MILLER DR., Winchester, VA, United States

“SafeTALK” teaches participants to recognize and engage persons who might be having thoughts of suicide and to connect them with community resources specializing in suicide intervention. SafeTALK stresses safety while […]

Staff Council-Lunch & Learn-Coursedog

Stimpson Auditorium, Halpin-Harrison Hall 600 MILLWOOD AVE., Winchester, VA, United States

Learn more about Coursedog, an online scheduling software, on April 24 in Halpin-Harrison Hall, Stimpson Auditorium with Staff Council at 11 a.m. This summer, SU will transition from the EMS Scheduling Software to web-based Coursedog. Join Staff Council for a session to have a first look at the system. The session will include at least […]