Shenandoah University offers three options for primary health plans
Health Insurance is provided by Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield*
Health Plan 1
KeyCare network plan offering in-network co pays: $25 for office visits, $35 specialists’ visits and urgent care with a small deductible ($200 for single; $400 for family); Deductible/20% for emergency room; $15/$30/$50/$50 for pharmacy. Most other services are covered at 90%. Out-of-network: covered at 80% with a calendar year deductible of $0 for individual and family.
Health Plan 2
KeyCare HDHP High Deductible Health Plan. This plan has a $1,600/$3,200 deductible (in-network) with 80% coinsurance. This plan is eligible for a HSA.
Health Plan 3
KeyCare network Plan. This base plan includes a higher deductible and copays to reduce barriers to care with an affordable premium based on the Affordable Care Act safe harbor requirement. This plan has a $5,500/$11,000 deductible (in-network) with 70% coinsurance.
*In all of the plans listed above, annual exams and preventive tests performed at in-network providers are covered at 100%.
Additional Health Benefits
Dental Coverage
Dental/Vision/Hearing Insurance *
Shenandoah University offers a combined Dental, Vision and Hearing plan provided by Healthgram.
Dental Insurance
100% coverage for diagnostic and preventive care, other services covered at 80% and 50%, a calendar year deductible of $50 for individual, $100 for family. There is a $1500.00 calendar year maximum benefit.
Orthodontia Coverage
included up to $1500 lifetime maximum.
Hearing Coverage
Hearing Insurance
Provides reimbursement of up to $1,500 for hearing related expenses. Coverage includes hearing exam and/or appliances. Appliance co-pay $50.00 annually per individual.
Vision Coverage
Vision Insurance
Eye Exams covered @ 100%, a calendar year deductible of $50.00 individual and $100.00 for family applies to services and materials only, $150 maximum allowed per individual on an annual basis, applies to frames (2-year interval) Contacts or lenses (1-year interval), Lasik reimbursement of $500 per individual on an annual basis.
*Stand-alone rates are available for employees not enrolled in the Shenandoah University Healthcare plan.
Other Benefits Available
Flexible Spending Account Plan*
Based on Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code, allows the employee to establish a Flexible Spending account to pay for eligible unreimbursed medical expenses and/or dependent care expenses on a before-tax basis. Amounts can be allocated up to $3,050 per calendar year for health care expenses and up to $5,000 per calendar year for dependent care expenses. Health FSA is only allowed with plan 1 and plan 3 health insurance. Dependent care accounts may be with any of the healthcare plans.
Health Savings Accounts*
An HSA is a tax-free savings account that works with a qualified health plan (Plan 2) to help you pay your insurance deductible and qualified out-of-pocket medical expenses. 2024 Contribution limits are $4,150 for individual and $8,300 for family. An HSA allows for tax savings and is an investment that belongs to the employee that can be used for medical care expenses now, or in the future.
Important Transparency in Coverage Machine Readable File Information