On June 24, Gov. Ralph Northam announced that Shenandoah University was one of 15 colleges and universities in the state with new teacher preparation programs that will allow graduates to become teachers after earning four-year degrees in education.
The state previously did not permit schools to award bachelor degrees in education. The new legislation broadens the definition of teacher preparation programs in Virginia to include programs culminating in four-year degrees in education, in addition to programs resulting in bachelor’s degrees in the arts and sciences, according to a June 24 news release from the governor’s office.
In response to the law change, seven public universities and eight private universities, including Shenandoah, adopted new programming for fall 2019.
Eliminating the barrier of extra years of schooling traditionally required for teacher licensure will encourage more students to pursue teaching careers. I am excited to see this increase in quality teachers impact the Commonwealth’s students for years to come.”
Atif Qarni | Secretary of Education
Read the Governor’s Announcement
Shenandoah previously offered a minor/certificate in teaching, but students often had to attend an extra semester or an additional year to obtain these or a master’s degree for teacher licensure.
Jill Lindsey, Ph.D., director of Shenandoah’s School of Education & Leadership, said the university now offers four-year Bachelor of Education degrees in elementary, middle, and secondary education effective fall 2019. The state has also approved new Bachelor of Education degree options that include special education licensure in grades Pk-6, 6-8 and 6-12 beginning fall 2019.
In addition, the university received approval for new add-on special education endorsements for grades Pk-6, 6-8, and 6-12 at the undergraduate and graduate levels effective fall 2019. Endorsements are licensure options that can only be added to a current Virginia teaching license in the grades of that initial license. The special education endorsement may be earned by completing 15 hours of special education coursework.
Shenandoah has the most Bachelor of Education programs of any private university in Virginia.
These new programs will assist in addressing pressing regional and statewide teacher shortages. Shenandoah University’s School of Education & Leadership is proud to be leading the way in offering new programs to support Pk-12 education in the Commonwealth of Virginia.”
Jill Lindsey, Ph.D. | Director of Shenandoah’s School of Education & Leadership
Undergraduate Bachelor of Education Programs
Bachelor Of Education Degrees
Special Education Degrees