Associate Professor
Pruitt HLSB 355
(540) 545-7376
Employed Since:
Educational History:
BS, Athletic Training, University of Toledo (2008)
MEd, Athletic Training, University of Virginia (2009)
PhD, Sports Medicine, University of Virginia (2013)
Fields of Expertise:
I passionately and enthusiastically teach therapeutic modalities, the psychology of injury, evidence-based practice, and clinical research. My line of research focuses on therapeutic modalities, specifically the use of cryotherapy on acute injury pain.
Professional Highlights:
Selected Publications and Presentations:
1. Selkow NM, Rupp-Pritchard KA, Saliba SA. Evidence-Based Forum: Cryotherapy for the 21st Century: Updated recommendations, techniques, and outcomes. National Athletic Trainers Association Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. June 2013.
2. Rupp KA*, Saliba SA. Should athletes return to activity after cryotherapy? J Athl Train. 2013. DOI: 10.4085/1062-6050-48.3.13.
3. Love HN, Pritchard KA*, Hart JM, Saliba SA. Cryotherapy effects, part I: Comparison of skin temperature and patient-reported sensations for different modes of administration. Int J Athl Ther Train. 2013;18(5):22-25.
4. Cataldi JK, Pritchard KA*, Hart JM, Saliba SA. Cryotherapy effects, part II: Time to numbness onset and numbness duration. Int J Athl Ther Train. 2013;18(5):26-28.
5. Rupp KA*, Herman DC, Hertel J, Saliba SA. Intramuscular temperature changes during and after 2 different cryotherapy interventions in healthy individuals. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2012;42(8):731-737.
6. Rupp KA*, Selkow NM, Parente WR, Ingersoll CD, Weltman AL, Saliba SA. The effect of cold water immersion on 48-hour performance testing in collegiate soccer players. J Strength Cond Res. 2012;26(8):2043-2050.
Personal Quote:I enjoy interacting with Athletic Training students at SU, especially as I guide them through their graduate thesis projects. It is exciting to see students grow into informed consumers of the literature as they understand the value of clinical research and the role they can play in advancing Athletic Training practice.
Personal Highlights:
I enjoy going on adventures with my husband and two young children. We have many favorite spots in and around Winchester but also love road trips to the Outer Banks and rural Ohio. I spend a lot of time listening to audiobooks and podcasts while making a mess in the kitchen.