Dear Alumni Association,
Your Board of Directors and Alumni Office staff sent postcards to all incoming first-year students – that is more than 500 high-fives to Hornets in the class of 2027. We want these students to feel our unwavering support and understand that we are here to see them shine like the sons and daughters of the stars they truly are at Shenandoah. We are here to answer questions, share a friendly chat, or swap stories about conquering college life (it might be a little different now than when we attended, but it is our Shenandoah spirit that counts!). We want to help make these years legendary and in the words of our Assistant Vice President for Alumni Relations and Annual Giving, Greeley Myers, Ed.D, “We have a great story to tell.”
You too can help welcome these students to Shenandoah, reminisce about your years on campus, explore what is new, and best of all spend time with your classmates during Homecoming 2023 – Thursday, Oct. 5 through Sunday, Oct. 8. Learn about all the events and register by visiting I also hope you will join me in celebrating our award-winning alumni during our “Night of Distinction” event on Friday evening. New this year will be Alumni Central. Please stop by to pick up your name tag and say hello! Alumni Central will be your Homecoming hub! Come and visit with fellow alumni, faculty and staff. When you first arrive on campus, make sure you stop by for light refreshments, pocket schedules for the weekend, and your name tags and to take a look at past yearbooks. You can take a visual trip into the past, too, when you check out the Dayton Gallery, which is home to memorabilia dating back to Shenandoah’s earliest days.
We will soon send out information to the alumni about how you can join the Board of Directors if you are interested. In the meantime, reach out to me if you want to learn more about serving in this capacity. We want our Board to represent the entire alumni community and for you to share your talents and experiences for the enrichment of our alma mater.
All the Shenandoah spirit,
Anne Lewis
President, SU Alumni Association